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32 <br />remaining interest will be distributed, starting by the end of the calendar year following the <br />calendar year of the spouse's death, over the spouse's Beneficiary's remaining life expectancy <br />derennined using such Beneficiary's age as of his or 12er birthday in the year following the <br />death of the spouse, or, if elected, will be distributed in accordance with paragraph (2)(iii) <br />below if the surviving spouse dies after distributions are required to begin, any remaining <br />interest will be distributed over the spouse's remaining life expect<vic}• determined using the <br />spouse's age as of his or her birthday in the year of the spouse's death. <br />(iii) If there is no Beneficiary; or if applicable by operation of paragraph (2)(i) or (2)(ii} above, <br />the entire interest will be distributed by the end of the calendar year containing the fifth <br />anniversar}' of the Beneficiar}~s death {or of the spouse's death in the case of the surviving <br />spouse's death before distributions are required to begin under paragraph (2)(ii) above). <br />(iv} The amount to be distributed each year under paragraph {2}(i} or (ii) is the quotient to <br />be obtained by dividing the value of the IRA as of the end of the preceding year by the <br />remaining life expectancy specified in such paragraph. Life expectancy i determined using <br />the Single Life Table in Q&A-1 of Section 1.401(a)(9)-9 of the- Income Tax Regulations. <br />If distributions are being made to a surviving spouse as the sole Beneficiary, such spouse's <br />remaining life expectancy for a year is the number in the Single Life Table corresponding to <br />the Beneficiary's age in the year specified in paragraph (2)(i} or (ii) and reduced by 1 for each <br />subsequent year. <br />(v) The "value" of the IRA includes the amount of an}• outstanding rollover, transfer and <br />recharacterization under Q&As-7 and -8 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations. <br />(vi) If the sole Beneficiary is the Employee's surviving spouse, the spouse may elect to treat the <br />IRA as his or her own IRA. This election will be deemed to have been made if such sun•iving <br />spouse makes a contribution to the IRA or fails to take required distributions as a Beneficiar}: <br />{~ Na1~1f itaGle. The interest of an Emplo}gee in the balance in lus or her Deemed llZA account is nonforfeitable <br />at all times. <br />(h) Reportitrg. The Deemed IRA Trustee of a Dcctncd Traditional IRA shall furnish annual calendar }year reports <br />concerning the status of the Deemed IRA account and such information concerning required minimum <br />distributions as is prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. <br />(i) SrrGstitrrtion of Deemed IRA Trustee. If the Deemed IRA Trustee is a non-bank trustee or custodian, the non- <br />banktrustee or custodian shall substitute another trustee or custodian if the non-batik trustee or custodians <br />receives notice From the Commissioner of Internal Revenue that such substitution is required because it has <br />failed to comply with the requirements of Section 1.408-2(e) of the Income Tax Regulations and Section <br />1.408-2T of the Income Tax Regulations. <br />9.06 Deemed Roth IRA Requirements. Deemed IRAs established in the Form of Roth IRAs shall satisfy the following <br />requirements: <br />(a) ~iclusive Belrefit. The Deemed Roth 1RA shall be established for the exclusive benefit of an Employee or his or <br />her Beneficiaries. <br />{b) M11,\1))lr[111 !l )171rLd~ CO77t77G1[17077s. <br />(1) Mrrxintum Pe7•raissibleAnroulit. Except in the case of a qualified rollover contribution or <br />recharacteri~ation (as defined in (6) below), no contribution will fie accepted unless it is in cash and <br />the total of such contributions to all the Emplo}ee's Roth IRtls for a taxable year does not exceed <br />17 <br />