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30 <br />(b) /j~QX117111111 Alllllutl Colltrib11t1011S. <br />(1} Except in tht case of a rollover contribution (as permitted by Sections 402(c), 402(e}(6), 403(a){4}, <br />403(6)(8), 403(6}(10), 408(d}(3) and 457(e)(16) of the Code), no contributions will be accepted <br />unless they are in cash, and the rota[ of such contributions shall nor exceed: <br />$3,000 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2004; <br />$4,000 for an}• taxable year beginning in 2005 through 2007; and <br />$5,000 for any taxable }•ear beginning in 2008 atzd years thereafter. <br />tlfter 2008, the limit will be adjusted b}'the Secretary of the Treasury for cost-of-living-increases <br />under Section 219{b)(5)(C) of the Code. Such adjustments will be in multiples of $500. <br />(2) In the case of an Employee who is 50 or older, the annual cash. contribution limit is itzcreased by: <br />$500 for any taxable year beginning in 2002 through 2005; and <br />$1,000 for any taxable }'ear beginning in 2006 and thereafter. <br />(3) No caitributions will be accepted under a SI:A4PLE IRA plan established by any emplo}'er pursuant <br />to Section 408(p) of the Code. Also, no transfer or rollover of Funds attributable ra contriburions <br />made by a particular employer under its SIMPLE IRA plan will be accepted from a SIMPLE IRA, <br />that is an IRA used in conjunction with a SI1biPLE IRA plan, prior to the expiration of the 2-year <br />period beginning on the date the Employee first participated in that employer's SIMPLE IRA plan. <br />{c) Collectibles. If the Deemed IRA Trust acquires collectibles with within the meaning of Section 408(m) of the <br />Code after December 31, 1981, Deemed IRA Trust assets wilt be treated as a distribution in an amount equal <br />to the cost of such collectibles. <br />(d} Life Irrsllrallce Cout~•acts. No part of the Deemed IRA Trust fluids will be invested in Life insurance contracts. <br />(e) M%111)11UT~1 RCLIllI)'CC~D1SI77GRlf10t15. <br />(1) Notwithstanduig an}• provision of this Decsned IRA to the contrar}; the distribution of the <br />Employee's interest in the account shall be made in accordance with the requirements of Section <br />408(a)(6) of the Code and the Income Tax Regulations thereunder, the provisions of which are <br />herein incorporated by reference. If distributions are made from an annuity contract purchased <br />from an insurance company, distributions thereunder must satisfy the requirements oFQ&A-4 of <br />Section 1.401(a)(9)-6T of die Income Tax Regulations (or Section 1.401(a)(9)-6 of the Income Tax <br />Regulations, as applicable), rather than paragraphs (2), {3) and (4) below and Section 9A5(f). The <br />minimum required distributions calculated for this IRA ma}' be withdrawn from another IRA of the <br />Employee in accordance with QL~cA-9 of Section 1.408-8 of the Income Tax Regulations. <br />{2) The entire value of the account of the Employee for whose benefit the account is maintained will <br />commence to be distributed no later than the first day of April following the calendar year in which <br />such Employee attains age 70'/z (the "required beginning date") over the life of such Employee or the <br />lives of suds Employee and his or her Beneficiary: <br />(3) The amount to be distributed each year, beginning with the calendar year in which the Employee <br />attains age 70'/z and continuing through the }'ear of death shall not be less than the quotient obtained <br />by dividing the value of the IRA (as determined under section 9.05(f)(3)) as of the end of the <br />preceding year by the distribution period in tl~e Uniform Lifetime Table in Q&A 2 of Section 401(x) <br />(9)-9 of the Income Tax Regulations, using the Employee's age of his or her birthday in the year. <br />However, if the Employee's sole Beneficiary is lus or her surviving spouse and such spouse is more <br />than l0 }'cars younger than dze Employee, then the distribution period is determined under the Jouir <br />IS <br />