ORD-2009-144 Application of Dimensional Requirements to Establish Regulation Governing the Development of Drive-thru Facilities within the County–Option Two-Regulation
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2000-2009
ORD-2009-144 Application of Dimensional Requirements to Establish Regulation Governing the Development of Drive-thru Facilities within the County–Option Two-Regulation
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Last modified
4/29/2013 10:25:34 AM
Creation date
12/3/2009 4:09:41 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 10-06-2009 - 5b
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T 20 <br />*Require that menu boards utilized in connection with drive -thru facilities shall not be visible <br />from external roadways, <br />*Limit the overall number of drive -thru facilities that can be developed within a multi -use non- <br />residential development to one (1) per ten (10) acres with a maximum cap of five (5) per <br />project, <br />*Require one hundred eighty (180) feet of drive isle to support drive -thru facilities, <br />Planning Board Recommendation: <br />The Planning Board reviewed this item at their April 1, 2009 meeting where the following motion <br />was made: <br />•Recommend the County initiate a comprehensive and countywide awareness education <br />program about idling and the contaminants it puts in our air, and <br />*Recommend the BOCC disregard staffs two (2) options and take no action on adopting <br />regulations banning development of drive -thru facilities within the County's planning jurisdiction <br />(Option 1) or adopting comprehensive development standards for drive -thru facilities (Option 2). <br />Administration Recommendation: <br />*Receive the Planning Board recommendation, <br />*If necessary, deliberate further on the proposed amendment, <br />*Close the public hearing, and <br />*Adopt Option Two (2) — specifically adopt the proposed regulations detailed within Attachment <br />One (1) of the packet. <br />Commissioner Pelissier asked if there are possibilities of a standalone drive -thru facility <br />and Craig Benedict said yes. The existing regulations allow this. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that the Planning Board minutes seemed to be focused on <br />emissions. She said that a lot of it is based on aesthetics of a drive -thru. She said that part of <br />the goal is to encourage walkability and she does not understand why they would want up to <br />five drive -thrus in a mixed -use area given the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Commissioner Jacobs suggested tabling this item. He said that at the public hearing, he - <br />asked for information and the Planning Board got the information, but the Board of County <br />Commissioners did not. He wants to see what other governmental entities have done. He said <br />that one Planning Board member thought that the OUT Board had taken up this issue and he <br />would like this information. He said that if the County is serious about an educational effort on <br />emissions, then the school boards should be involved since families sit and wait for children to <br />get out of schools or to drop them off. He would also like some data on whether it is better to <br />turn off cars and then start them up again, orjust keep them on. He would also like to know <br />who is going to do the public awareness campaign and with what funds. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz said that he supports Commissioner Jacobs' recommendation to <br />table this item. He is opposed to an outright ban of drive - thrus. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he does not support Commissioner Jacobs' <br />recommendation. He said that the Board often tables items and drags them out. He said that <br />Carrboro and Hillsborough have already prohibited drive -thru windows. He said that the two <br />issues are walkability and the need to deal with global warming. <br />There was no public comment. <br />
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