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<br />•Close the public hearing, and <br />•Adopt Option Two (2) -specifically adopt the proposed regulations detailed within Attachment <br />One (1) of the packet. <br />PUBLIC COMMENT: <br />Ben Lloyd is a resident and taxpayer of Orange County. He said that he obtained a <br />copy of this abstract and that adopting this will contribute to Orange County's "No Growth" <br />image. He said that in 2005 the Board of County Commissioners adopted an Economic <br />Development plan to create 5,000 jobs. He said that no one will come to Orange County if the <br />Board of County Commissioners adopts this. He said that this regulation is not good for <br />Orange County. He said that mothers with kids and the handicapped are referred to in this <br />abstract regarding drive-thrus. He said that the County should focus on the real problem, <br />which is fuel consumption. He said that he would support a ban on drive-thrus if there is a ban <br />on stoplights or UNC ballgames because of the idling pollution. He said that he supports <br />option 3, which is to do nothing. _ <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that the Chair of the Economic Development Commission <br />said that the EDC was not consulted to participate in this process. He would like to incorporate <br />the EDC on economic development matters and Chair Foushee agreed. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that she was disappointed that the minutes from the OUT <br />Board were insufficient. She said that Orange County now bans drive-thrus in the Hillsborough <br />EDD and the Efland-Cheeks Overlay District. She asked how this decision was made and the <br />rationale. <br />Michael Harvey said that in the Eno EDD overlay, one of the reasons they <br />recommended banning drive-thrus was because this was primarily for residential areas and <br />they did not want franchise businesses to be there. <br />Commissioner Hemminger said that she is excited about the education portion of the <br />program and the more education that can be done can affect the idling issue. She said that <br />families sit in carpool lines and more education would be helpful to these types of people. She <br />is concerned about the banning component in regards to older citizens and how this wilt affect <br />them. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz agreed with Commissioner Hemminger about the education <br />component. He said that an outright ban of drive-thrus may affect commercialization and he <br />does not want to discourage the development of economic development. He said that there <br />are a lot of other sources of idling besides drive-thrus. He said that the County should <br />promote the education component of this and continue to monitor what will happen. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Yuhasz, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger <br />to approve Option 3 - Implement a County-wide educational program on the problems of <br />vehicle idling while not taking any action to amend existing development regulations. <br />Commissioner Jacobs asked if the County Commissioners could ask for more extensive <br />minutes from the OUT Board and all agreed. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that they are all in favor of education. He would like to see <br />a definite timeframe on the education process as well as a plan. He thinks that there should <br />be some performance measures in regard to education so that there is an end result. <br />Commissioner Nelson said that he will vote against the motion. He is not against <br />education, but he supports an outright ban. Commissioner Nelson said that he is frustrated <br />because this room was not designed for meetings and the acoustics are horrible. He said that <br />