Orange County NC Website
Great ProJecf Pund <br />Revenues <br /> if6 Funds totaling 530,624 <br />#7 Additional funds of authorized by the <br />536,746 from the U.S. American Recovery end #11 Capllal Protect - <br /> <br />Department of Justice as Reinvestment Ad to <br /> <br />provide food, shelter and <br />fl9 Additional funding for <br /> <br />#10 Fund balance <br />Trenafer of S775,023 in <br />authorized by the <br />supportive services for the Department on Aging's <br />appropriation of 5119 <br />664 HillsboroughlCheeka #12 Fund balance <br />American Recovery and <br />Orange County citizens Senior Lunch (535,200), , <br />for the addition of a staff District Payment-In-Lieu appropriation of 523,517 <br />Reirnestment Act of 2009. <br />during the eeonamic Freil Elderly ($500), <br />attorney position and funding end 5500,000 to keep Bradshaw Quarry Budget As Amended <br />Orange County plena to <br />crisis. The department has Family Caregiver Support <br />contracted legal services. PARTF grant for Fairview Convenience Center Through BOA #3 <br />use its portion (57,749) for <br />also received additional (525,672) and Care <br />(Re%r to seperete park construction. (See Open through January 2, <br />the purchase and <br />Adoption Enhancement Assistance (510,000) <br />agenda item.) Attachment 6, Fairview 2010. <br />Installation of an in-car <br />Funds donations ($5,176), progrema . perk CapNal Pro/ecf <br />video system end reder <br />"filch are located in e Ordinance) <br />unit In a patrol vehicle. separate fund outside the <br /> General Fund. <br />Inte overnmsntal 38 746 <br />S 1,088,804 <br />Charges for Services f 24,000 <br />Trenafer from General Fund <br />S 73 788 <br />Mlscelieneous ; <br />Transfer from Other Funds S <br />A ro rlated Fund Balance f <br />Total Revenues S 38,748 S - S - S - f - S - f 1 194,889 <br />Expenditures <br />NPDES Great f <br />Communi and Environment f - 5 f - f f f - f <br />Child Care Health -Smart Start <br />f 73,181 <br />Scattered Sile Houain Grant f <br />Carrboro Growl Health Kids Great f <br />Heellh Cerollnfana ; <br />Health 8 Wellness Trual Great <br />f 91,210 <br />Senior Citizen Health Promotion <br />f 93 932 <br />Dental Health -Smart Start f <br />Intensive Home VlaRln 5 88,037 <br />Human Ri hta 8 Relations HUD Grant f <br />Senior Citizen Heellh Pronrotfon Multi-Yr <br />f 4,000 <br />SeniorNel Pro rem Multi-Year f <br />Enhanced Child Services Caord -SS f <br />Diabetes Education P rem Multi-Year <br />Human Services S - S - f - S - S - f - S ~1 882 <br />Criminal Justice Partnerahi Pro ram ~g 1gg <br />Hazard Mili anon Gerrorator Pro act <br />Buffer Zone Protection P ram f <br />800 MHz Communicetlona Tranaitbn 5 <br />Severe Our Schools - OCS Grant S <br />Citizen Co a Council Great S <br />COPS 2008 Technob P ram <br />COPS 2009 Technol P rem S 180 000 <br />Justice Asaitance Act JAG P ram S 35 748 <br />S 238 531 <br />Public Safe f 38,748 f - S - f - f S - f 882,727 <br />Total Ezpendlfures ; 38,748 f - S - f - f - f - f 1 184 889 <br />0 <br />