Orange County NC Website
Attachment 7. Orange County <br />The 2009-70 Orange County Buc <br /> #8 Funds totaling 530,824 <br /> #7 Additional funds of authorized by the <br /> 538,748 from the U.S. American Recovery and <br />ReinvealmeM Ad to #11 Ce itai Pro <br />p lad - <br /> Depenment of Justice ea <br /> <br />authorized by the <br />provide food, shelter and #9 Additional funding for <br /> <br />the Department on Aging's <br />#10 Fund balance Transfer of E775,023 in <br /> <br />Hillaborough/Cheeka <br /> <br />#12 Fund balance <br /> <br />American Recovery and supportive services for <br /> <br />Orange County dtizena <br />Senior Lunch (535,200), appropriation of 5119,684 <br /> <br />for the addition of a staff <br />DisUid PaymenNn-Lieu <br />appropriation of $23,517 <br /> Reinvestment Ad of 2009. <br />Orange County <br />lena to <br />during the economic Freil Elderly (5500), <br />F <br />il C <br />attome sition and <br />y po funding and 5500,000 to keep Bradshaw Quarry Budget As Amended <br /> <br />p <br />use Its portion (57,749) for <br />trials. The department has <br />l <br />am <br />ere aver Su <br />y 0 PPS <br />($25,872) and Cere <br />conlrecled legal aervioea. pARTF grant for Fairview <br />Perk construdion <br />(See Cornenience Center <br />Open through January 2 Through BOA #3 <br /> <br /> <br />the purchase and <br />i <br />a <br />so received additional <br />AdopBon Enhancement <br /> <br />Assistance ($10,000) <br />Refer ro se era <br />( P ~ <br />agenda item <br />) . <br /> <br />Attachment 8, Fairview , <br /> <br />2010. <br /> nstallagon of en inter <br />video system and radar <br />Funds donations ($5,176), prams . . park Ce ta/ Pro' <br />~ <br /> unit in a patrol vehlde. which are located in a Ordinance <br />) <br /> separate fund outside the <br /> General Fund. <br /> <br />Genere/Fund <br />Revenue <br />Pro a Taxes <br />Sales Taxaa S <br />5 5 <br />S S S ; ; S 130,871198 <br /> <br />License and Parmita <br />; <br />; - 5 <br />; S <br />S 5 <br />S S 5 18,873,408 <br /> <br />Into ovemmentat <br />5 <br />S 30,824 <br />5 37,979 <br />; <br />S 5 <br />S ; 2811,000 <br />5 18 <br />987 102 <br />Char se for Sarvlce ; ; <br />S 33,393 <br />S <br />S <br />S , <br />5 9 <br />732 <br />290 <br />nvestmant m n s <br />Miscellaneous , <br />, <br />,0 0 <br /> <br />Trensfere from Other Funds 5 788,884 <br /> <br />Fund Balsncs <br />S 119,884 <br />5 23 817 S 2 000 000 <br />5 241 <br />979 <br />ofal snare/ Fund Revenues ; S 30 824 S 71 372 ; 119,884 ; ; 23,817 , <br />5 178130 888 <br />ExOenditure9 <br />Govemin b Msna ement ; ; ; ; 119,884 S S ; 8 <br />804 988 <br />General Services ; S 5 S S 5 23,817 , <br />; 20 <br />389 028 <br />Communl 6 Environment ; ; S ; ; 5 , <br />; 4 <br />077 <br />780 <br />Human Services ; S 30,824 ; 71,372 ; S 5 , <br />, <br />S 33 <br />898 <br />129 <br />Public Safe ; S 5 5 5 5 , <br />, <br />; 17 <br />008 <br />478 <br />Culture b Recreation S S S ; S ; , <br />, <br />178 <br />; 4 <br />133 <br />Education <br />Tranafere Out , <br />, <br />5 81 888 882 <br /> <br />Total enera Fund AppropHat(on <br />; <br />s <br />; 30 824 <br />e <br />S 71,372 <br />; 119,884 <br />; <br />5 23 817 S 8,344 898 <br />S 178130,888 <br />- + a a i <br />Park Payment-In-Lieu Fund <br />Revenues <br />Transfer from General Fund <br /> <br />A ro Meted Fund Balance <br />; 175,023 5 <br />S 178 023 <br />Ex enditurea <br />Transfer to ounty apitel Project ; ; ; S ; 178,023 ; - S 178,023 <br />Community Development Fund (Homeh <br />Revenues <br />Into ovemmental <br /> <br />Transfer from General Fund ; 42,728 <br /> <br />Total Revenues <br />; <br />; <br />; <br />; S 27,184 <br /> ; ; - 5 89,882 <br />Expenditures <br />Homelessness Pertnerahi P ram ; 89 982 O <br />