Orange County NC Website
Grant Pro/act Fund <br />Revenues <br /> #2 Receipt of 52,000 from <br /> #1 Grant award of 52,400 the United Way of the <br /> from the Greater Triangle for a <br /> <br />Original Budget Encumbrance Carry Budget As Amended Foundation to fund a regional homeless <br />initiallve entitled'ProJect <br /> Forwards Through BOA #2 Feline vawlnatfon Homeless Connect' <br /> program al the Orange . <br />Funds received covered <br /> County Animal Shelter. the wets of rental <br /> equipment for the event. <br />#3 Receipt of H1N1 <br />Phase i and II iMluenze <br />funds totaling 580,000 by <br />the Health Department <br />(Re/er fo separate Action <br />Agenda Item w tonight's <br />agenda). <br />#4 Receipt of 51,500 from #6 Community Oriented <br />RTI International for the Policing Servkaa (COPS) <br />department's participation #5 Fund balance 2009 Technobgy Grant in <br />in a research pilot study. epproprla0on of 550,000 the amount o(5190,000 <br />th <br />D <br />f <br />U <br />S <br />k <br />t <br />Funds will be used to to replace Iwo eherifF e <br />rom <br />. <br />. <br />epar <br />nert <br />~ Justice provides monies <br />Install a used panorex x- patrol vehices. for the purchase of in<:ar <br />ray machine donated by a video systems for patrol <br />local dentist, vehicles. <br />Ints overnmsntal S 462,741 S 858,068 790000 <br />Cha ss for Services S 24 000 S 24,000 <br />Trsnsfer from General Fund S 73,786 5 73,786 <br />Miscellensous S <br />Trsnsfer from Other Funds S <br />A ro dated Fund Belanca 5 <br />ofa Revenues S 660,628 S - S 955,843 S - S - S - S - S S 180,000 <br />Ezoanditures <br />NPDES Grant S <br />Communi and Envlronmant ; - S - S S - S - S S - S - S <br />Child Care Health -Smart Start S 73,151 S 73,161 <br />Scattered Site Housin Grant ; <br />Canboro Growin Health Kida Grant ; <br />Health Carolinians $ 5 <br />Health 8 Wellness Trust Grent S 91,210 S 91,210 <br />Senior Citizen Health Promotion S 93,932 S 93 832 <br />Dental Health -Smart Start S S <br />Intensive Home Vleitln 5 86,037 S 88,037 <br />Human Rf hla 8 Relations HUD Grant S S <br />Senior Citizen Health Promotion Multi-Yr 5 ; 4,000 <br />SeniorNet Pr rem Multi-Year S S <br />Enhanced Child Services Cwrd -SS S S <br />Diabetes Education P rem Multi-Year S S 203,532 <br />Human Services S 324,330 ; 531 862 S - S - S - S - S - ; <br />Crtminai Justice Pertnerahi Pro ram $ 226 196 5 226 196 <br />Hazard Miti ation Generator Pro act 5 <br />Buller Zone Prolectbn Pro ram <br />600 MHz Communications Trenaition 5 <br />Secure Our Schools - OCS Grant <br />Citizen Co s Council Grant 5 <br />COPS 2008 Techrwl Pro ram 5 5 <br />COPS 2tR19 Technol P rem S 5 190 000 <br />Justice Asaitence Act JAG Pro ram <br />Public Ssfe <br />S 228,198 <br />S - S 197 765 <br />S 423,981 <br />S - <br />S - <br />S - <br />S - <br />S - <br />S 190 000 <br />oral pend(furea S 550,528 S - f 955,843 S <br />- <br />5 - <br />S - <br />S <br />S - <br />5 190,000 <br />0 <br />