Orange County NC Website
Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2009-10 Budget Amendment <br />The 2009-10 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: <br /> #2 Receipt of 52,000 from <br />the United Way of the <br />#3 Receipt of H1 N1 #4 Receipt of 51,500 from #8 Community Oriented <br /> #1 Grant award of $2,400 <br />from the <br />Greater Triangle fora <br />Phase I and II Influenza RTI Intematlonel for the <br />department's participation <br />#5 Fund balance Policing Services (COPS) <br />2009 Technology Grenl in <br /> <br />Original Budget Encumbrance Carty <br /> <br />F <br />d Budget Aa Amended Foundation to fund a regional homeless <br />Initiative entitled'Project funds totaling 500,000 by <br />the Health Department <br />in a research pilot study, <br />appropriation of 550,000 the amount of $190,000 <br /> orwar <br />s Through BOA #2 Feline vaccination <br />Homeless ConnecP. <br />(Refer to separate Actors Funds will be used to to replace tvvo sheriff from the U.S. Depertmenl <br /> ra rem at the Oren a <br />P ® 0 <br />County Animal Shelter <br />Funds received covered <br />Agenda Item on foNght's <br />install a used anorex x- <br />P patrol vehlGea. of Justice provides monies <br />for the <br />purchase of In-car <br /> . the coats of rental a soda . <br />g ~ ray machine donated bye <br />local dentist video systems for patrol <br /> equipment for the event. . vehicles. <br /> <br />Genera/Fund <br />Revenue <br />Pro a Taxes S 130 671,196 S S 130,571,196 S S ; ; ; <br /> <br />Sales Taxsa <br />S 78,873,406 <br />; <br />S 18,873,406 <br />; <br />; <br />S <br />S <br />; ; <br /> <br />License and Permits <br />; 288 000 <br />S <br />; Taa,000 <br />; <br />; <br />S <br />S <br />; ; <br /> <br />Into ovemmental <br />C <br />; 18,724,924 <br />; <br />5 18,81a,289 <br />; <br />S <br />S 80 000 <br />S <br />; ; <br />; <br />harges for Service ; 9,899,1197 ; S 9,898,887 ; ; ; S ; <br /> <br />nvsalment Eam n s <br />8 , 00 <br />8 0,00 : <br />Miscellaneous S 782,818 ; S 782,794 S 2,400 S 1600 <br />Transfers from Other Funds ; 2,000,000 S ; 2,000,000 <br />Fund Balancs ; - S S 48,798 S 60 <br />000 <br />Total General Fun Revenues S 177,5a9 039 S ; 177,751,388 S 2 400 S S 80 <br />000 60 <br />S , <br /> , 1, <br />0 ; 60 000 ; <br />ExOenditures <br />Govemin 6 Mana ement S 8,882,901 S S 8,882,901 S 2,400 S S S ; <br /> <br />General5ervices <br />S 27,760,627 <br />S <br />S 20,335,509 <br />; <br />S <br />S <br />; ; <br /> <br />Communi 8 Environment <br />; 4,077,780 <br />; <br />; 4,077,780 <br />; <br />S <br />S <br />S ; 5 <br /> <br />Human Services <br />P <br />b <br />; 33 414,481 <br />S <br />S 33,612,432 <br />S <br />; <br />S 80,000 <br />S 1 <br />600 ; <br />S ; <br />; <br />u <br />lic Safe ; 16,968 476 ; - S 18,968,476 ; S S , <br />S S <br /> <br />Culture R Recreation <br />; 4,180 633 <br />; <br />S 4,176,133 <br />; <br />; <br />S <br />S 60 000 ; <br /> <br />Education <br />S 81,886,662 <br />; <br />S 81,885,662 S 5 <br />Transfers Out S 8,295,788 ; S 8,344,698 <br />Tots enara FundApproprlatlon ; 186,014,167 5 f 177,761,398 S 400 S S 00 <br />000 S 1 <br />500 <br /> <br />S 7,425,118 <br />S <br />S <br />s <br />e , , ; 80000 ; <br />- • a i <br />Park Payment-In-Cleo Fund <br />Revenues <br />Transfer from General Fund ; S <br />ro ruled Fund Balancs <br />Ex enditures ; ; . <br />Transfer to County Cepltal Project ; S S = S S ; S <br />uommumry Development Fund (Homeiassness Partnership) <br />Revenues <br />