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6.08 The Agency shall operate as an independent contractor, and the <br />Client shall not be responsible for any of the Agency's acts or <br />omissions. The Agency and its employees and agents shall not be <br />treated as an employee(s) with respect to the services performed <br />hereunder for federal or state tax, unemployment or workers' <br />compensation purposes. The Agency understands that neither federal, <br />nor state, nor payroll tax of any kind shall be withheld or paid by <br />the County on behalf of the Agency or the employees of the Agency. <br />The Agency further agrees that the Agency is fully responsible for the <br />payment of any and all taxes arising from the payment of monies under <br />this Agreement. The Agency shall not, nor shall any of its agents or <br />employees, be treated as an employee with respect to the services <br />performed hereunder for purposes of eligibility for, or participation <br />in, any employee pension, health, or other fringe benefit plan of the <br />Client. The Agency shall supply, at its sole expense, all equipment, <br />tools, materials, and supplies required to provide the contracted <br />services unless otherwise agreed in writing. The Agency shall comply <br />with all federal, state and local laws regarding business permits, <br />certificates and licenses that may be required to carry out the <br />services to be performed under this Agreement. The Agency shall <br />insure that all personnel engaged in work under this Agreement shall <br />be fully qualified and shall be authorized under state and local law <br />to perform the services under this Agreement. <br />6.09 Agency shall secure and maintain insurance in amounts required by <br />and acceptable to the Orange County Risk Manager including but not <br />limited to general liability, automobile, workers compensation. <br />6.10 Confidentiality. Agency acknowledges that Client's records are <br />subject to public disclosure upon request made to the Client. <br />However, Client, and not the Agency shall make any and all disclosures <br />of records relating to this Agreement. Any and all requests Agency <br />receives for the disclosure of information relating to this Agreement <br />shall be immediately forwarded to Client. Agency acknowledges that <br />during the term of this Agreement it will have access to and become <br />acquainted with various inventions, reports, innovations, processes, <br />information, records and specifications owned by Client and/or used by <br />the Client in connection with Client's operations including, without <br />limitation, the Client's data, processes, methods, and procedures. <br />Agency agrees that it will not disclose any of the aforesaid, directly <br />or indirectly, or use any of them in any manner, either during the <br />term of this Agreement or at any time thereafter, except as required <br />in the course of this Agreement with the Agency. All files, records, <br />documents, specifications, information, letters, notes, media lists, <br />original artwork/creative, notebooks, and similar items relating to <br />the Client, whether prepared by the Agency or otherwise coming into <br />its possession, shall remain the exclusive property of the Client. <br />Whenever requested by the Client, the Agency shall immediately deliver <br />to the Client all such files, records, documents, specifications, <br />information, and other items in its possession or under is control. <br />Agency shall keep confidential all discussions, conversations and <br />planning sessions held with Client. The covenants contained in this <br />Section 6.08 shall survive for a term of two (2) years following the <br />termination of this Agreement. <br />