Orange County NC Website
:ry <br />~.. . <br />,.;.. <br />/EItE'CiIL C04tt U ~LLSfIC£ <br />a <br />Lr~ffiee u` Epee J1i~h/ie! ,aQ!!n-lrey <br />woe 9wgdER. ~n ~~l ffEEltEfi_~-7 ~UaliCict~' L iSf4lCf <br /> •*rvwwcr ~ <br />p O. BO+~ GUT <br />pITTSflOFJ, NOPTH CARUUNA 77:1:7 <br />February 7, 1979 <br />Mr. Stewart Barbour <br />Route 4, Box 516 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />Dear Mr. Barbour: <br />I appreciate your bringing to my attention the flag-burnins; <br />by the demonstrators on the UNC campus, <br />North Carolina General Statutes 14-381 clearly seek:, to m:Tke <br />it a misdemeanor Co burn a United States flag. As you r;lay <br />recall from the memorandum you f;ave me, ~ frer}uenr, dcfenGe <br />to charges of violation of such statute, is that the defen- <br />dant's first, amendment r.i~;hts are overriding. <br />The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, she <br />most important provisions of our Bill of Ri~,hts, provides i.rr <br />part; <br />"CONGRESS SHALL MAK); ND LAW...,ABRIDGING THE FREEDOM <br />DF SPEECH..." <br />Until 1974 the Supreme Court settled most flag desecration <br />cases by finding the statutes too vague. However, in thz <br />1974 case of Spence v. Washington, 418 US 405, the Unites <br />States Supreme Court seemed to resolve the issue as one of <br />symbolic speech. In that case, the defendant had been con- <br />victed under a Washington desecration stltute for publicly <br />displaying an American flag with symhols taped across the <br />flag. The Defendant was protesting the United States' in- <br />vasion of Cambodia. The Supreme Caurt overturned tt~e defen- <br />dant's conviction holding that his desecration of the fla}; <br />constituted political, symbolic speech, and was therefore <br />protected by the First Amendment. The interest of the State <br />to vrotect the flag is aver-ridden by First Amendment Rights <br />when the flag is used as "Symbolic Speech" in political ex- <br />preGSion. <br /> <br />