Orange County NC Website
Article 2. Moorefields hereby grants to the County and reserves to itself anon-exclusive <br />perpetual easement for ingress, egress and regress over, on and under the above described fifty foot <br />private driveway shown on the plat of survey recorded in Plat Book ,Page of the Orange <br />County Registry, including the use of the drive for the purposes of installation and maintenance of <br />utilities; provided that it is expressly understood and agreed that this easement shall be subject to the <br />following restrictions: <br />1. The rights and easements conveyed and reserved herein shall not include the right to park cars, <br />trucks, trailers or vehicles of any kind along the private driveway within the easement. <br />2. Neither party shall remove, cut or destroy trees located within the fifty foot easement except as <br />actually necessary to construct and maintain the private driveway to the standards described <br />herein, to provide no more than two motor vehicle access ways into the County property <br />described in Article 1 from the driveway, or to remove trees which are dead, diseased, or which <br />pose a safety hazard. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described easement as an appurtenance to all of the <br />property described in Article 1 above, which easement shall run with said lands forever. <br />Article 3. -Until such time as the .County elects to open any part of its property described in <br />Article 1 for use by the general public, the private driveway will be maintained by Moorefields in the <br />same or better condition in which it exists at the time of the execution of this Agreement. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, the County will be responsible for repair of the private driveway to such <br />condition in the event of damage caused by heavy trucks or other similar equipment using the private <br />driveway on the County's behalf. <br />At such time as the County elects to open its Article 1 property for use by the general public it <br />shall first construct a parking area on its property sufficient to accommodate such use, and shall improve <br />the private driveway to Class B road standards as prescribed by Orange County now and as the same may <br />be revised from time to time. <br />Thereafter, the parties shall be jointly responsible for maintaining the private driveway in such <br />improved condition, with Moorefields being responsible for forty percent (40%) of the cost thereof, and <br />the County being responsible for sixty percent (60%) of the cost thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, <br />the parties agree to assess their respective impacts on the condition of the private driveway every five <br />years, or more often if circumstances dictate, and may hereafter agree in writing to adjust their respective <br />maintenance responsibilities to reflect such use. <br />The parties shall work together to determine what maintenance is necessary in order to maintain <br />the private driveway, and will assess the condition of the private driveway at least annually; provided that <br />neither party shall commence any such maintenance work without first notifying the other. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as denying the other party <br />the right to see that the said road is maintained to Class B standards. <br />Article 4. The private driveway located within said property may be dedicated to the public only <br />upon the written Agreement of both parties or their successors in title. In that event the owners of the <br />property will remain responsible for maintenance of the private driveway as prescribed in Article 3 or as <br />otherwise agreed in the public dedication Agreement until such time as maintenance responsibilities are <br />assumed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation or other governmental body. <br />