Orange County NC Website
51 <br />Major transportation corridors, whether interstates or heavily traveled <br />secondary roads, serve as both movers of traffic and as entranceways to the <br />County from outside areas. These corridors and the development which occurs <br />along them establish for visitors and residents alike an indicator of the <br />quality of life in the County, as well as the efficiency and safety of traffic <br />movement through the area. In addition, the ability of different areas of the <br />County to attract and accomodate" different types of development often depends <br />on the capacity of the thoroughfare system and the character and quality of <br />development along the major corridors. <br />It is the intent of Orange County to protect the attractiveness and orderly <br />development of land and enhance those natural and environner_tai features which <br />constitute important physical, aesthetic,- recreational and economic assets <br />along major transportation corridors through the provision of a set- of <br />development standards and regulations for application to public and private <br />development of land adjacent to the corridors. <br />The Major Transportation Corridor District is, therefore, proposed as a <br />district which overlays other zoning districts established in the Zoning <br />Ordinance. The new use of any land or any new structure within the MTC <br />district shall comply with the use regulations•applicable to the underlying <br />zoning district as well as the requirements of the I -TC district. The district <br />does not address the use of land. Use is provided for by the underlying zoning <br />district and guided by the Land Use Plan and its applicable plan category. <br />The MTC district: <br />a. shall be applied to lands adjacent to I -40 and I -85; <br />b. may be applied by additional action of the Board to any najor <br />thoroughfare designated as an arterial in the Land Use Plan including, but not <br />limited to US 70, 11C 54, 14C 86, NC 57 and Old 86. <br />e. the district shall be applied along a continuous distance along the <br />thoroughfare of lands within the County's. jurisdiction and outside the <br />extraterritorial planning jurisdictions of the Towns of Mebane, Hillsborough, <br />Durham, Chapel Hill and Carrboro. <br />d. the district shall extend up to 1,250 feet from the right -of -way on <br />each side of the roadway, except at interstate interchanges where the District <br />shall extend 1,250 feet from the right--:of-way on each side of the intersecting <br />roads rights -of -ways and extend 2,500 feet along the intersecting roads from <br />the nearest right -of -way of the interstate. <br />e. the district specifically establishes development standards and a site <br />plan review process for development within the district. <br />f. the provisions of this district shall not apply to any building or <br />structure existing prior to the application of the'district unless structurally <br />altered to the extent of increasing the floor area by fifty percent or more or <br />enlarged to occupy a vacant lot. <br />The provisions of this district shall not apply to any single or two family <br />dwelling existing or to be erected. No construction activity shall begin nor <br />shall any excavation, soil removal, filling, grading or disturbance of <br />vegetation, including, trees, be commenced nor any sign erected until such time <br />as a permit has been approved by the Zoning Officer. <br />Where an individual property has been rendered unusable due to <br />establishment of the yard setback, there ray be grounds for a variance. <br />Variances shall be considered and granted by the Board of Adjustment. However, <br />the Board of Adjustr►ent shall ensure that the applicant compensate in <br />equivalent landscaping improvement for any encroachment into the yard or buffer <br />• �raA. <br />