Orange County NC Website
M0] <br />3i <br />4. The min' width of the district may extend up to 1,250 feet from the I <br />right -o -way on each side of the roadway, except at interstate inter- ! <br />changes where the District shall extend 1,250 feet from the right -of -way <br />on eacH side of the intersecting road(s) and extend 2,500 Feet along ; <br />intsrse Ling roads, the distance to be measured along the centerline of i <br />roads from the nearest right -of -way line off the interstate. <br />5. The district establishes development standards and a site plan review <br />process For development within the district. <br />24 <br />6. Extra R for the Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) District <br />6.24.1 Permittid Uses <br />Within he Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) District, no structures or <br />land maf be used and structures erected, relocated, reconstructed or I' <br />atructuTally altered, unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, for <br />one or more of the purposes permitted in the underlying zoning district <br />or districts which are provided by the adopted Orange County Land Use Plan <br />under t e applicable plan category. <br />- The pro isions of this district shall not apply to any single or two - <br />family cwellings existing or to be erected. <br />i <br />The pro isions of this district shall not apply to any building or <br />structuie existing prior to the application of this district unless it <br />Is stru9turelly altered to the extent of increasing the floor area by <br />fifty percent (50%) or more or is enlarged to occupy a vacant lot. <br />6.24.2 Lot Coverage_Reguirements <br />A minimum of 25% of the total area shall remain in its natural vegetated <br />conditic,n. Where the lot area contains wooded areas or areas with trees <br />12" in ismatei or greater at breast height„ these areas, if possible, <br />shall b retained and set aside to meet this requirement before other } <br />areas a e so used. I` <br />6.24.3 Approve Requirements e <br />Within t1he Major Transportation Corridor District, no construction activity, <br />shall begin nor shall any excavation, soil removal, filling, grading or <br />disturbs ice of vegetation, including trees, be commenced, nor any sign <br />erected until such time as a permit has been approved by the Zoning Officer. <br />6.24.4 Site Plan Requirements <br />Each appkication for a permit shell be accompanied by a site plan or plans i <br />showing he following: <br />a) a vic pity map clearly establishing the location of the project. I <br />b) a development summary including total acres, proposed use(s), total <br />building square footage, required and proposed parking spaces. ! <br />c) the dimensions and acreage of each lot or portion thereof to be <br />built) upon or otherwise used. <br />d) the 1pyout of the entire project including the proposed uses of all <br />buildings and their relation to surrounding properties. <br />e) the location and dimensions of present and proposed streets and highways. <br />I <br />I i <br />