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20 <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the County Commissioners being involved <br />and said that the way it should work is that the Board should be clear about priorities and set <br />the priorities, and then the staff should carry them out. She thinks that one reason the County <br />Commissioners get too involved is that they either do not get what they thought they were <br />going to get, or somehow it is not complete and they try to fix it. This is not how it should work. <br />Frank Clifton said that it is not that the Board should not be involved, but it ought to be <br />as a Board and not as individual members. <br />Regarding the 911 service, Frank Clifton said the most recent incident involved <br />someone accidentally cutting the wires with a backhoe. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to things that the Board needs to discuss and <br />said that she agrees with most of the suggestions made by Mr. Clifton regarding <br />reorganization. She asked Frank Clifton to keep the Board up to date about retirements and <br />reorganization. She asked him to flag things that need to come up soon, such as freeing up <br />valuable office space that is currently used for storage. She said that the Board of Elections <br />move is going to be using 4500 square feet of office space for storage. While this is an <br />acceptable solution for now, it should be understood that as storage space is made available <br />elsewhere, we should think about reassigning the use of this space for offices rather than <br />storage. <br />Commissioner Gordon made reference to the budget process and said that the County <br />Commissioners have tried to spread out the budget process, but there is still a small timeframe <br />to make major budget decisions. She suggested moving the process back so that the Board <br />does not get overloaded. <br />Frank Clifton said that it is important for staff to do the homework and bring to the <br />Board of County Commissioners the options for a budget. He thinks that in the end the County <br />Commissioners have to make the decisions. <br />Commissioner Gordon issued a memorandum to enter into the record: <br />"All, <br />This is a heads -up to let you know that the DCHC MPO Transportation Advisory Committee <br />(TAC) is beginning a discussion of expanding the Metropolitan Area Boundary (MAB) for the <br />MPO. <br />The staff is only recommending a limited expansion at this time, with further consideration of <br />expansion after the 2010 census. The areas recommended for consideration of expansion at <br />this time are "Area 1" <br />in Orange County, along the 1 -85 corridor toward Mebane and the Burlington- Graham MPO. <br />The other area is "Area 5" in Chatham County. <br />I will bring a copy of the relevant portion of the map to the meeting tonight. <br />I have asked Karen Lincoln to provide you complete information as part of her monthly report <br />on the TAC activities, and that should include the complete map. <br />Upon a motion by me (seconded by the representative from Chatham County), the TAC has, <br />upon a unanimous vote, directed the staff to come back to the October TAC meeting with more <br />information including the population in the areas for potential expansion, a more complete <br />explanation of the financial implications, and the implications for the TAC by -laws. I made the <br />motion to defer action until the next meeting and to bring back more information because I <br />wanted the BOCC and the county staff to have some time before the TAC took action. <br />