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18 <br />There have been some steps initiated that will help this process. Staff is already working on <br />those items. <br />III. Look closely at organizational efficiencies and effectiveness. <br />He said that the County should never think that it is the best that it can be. He said that the <br />Board of County Commissioners creates some significant demands and then talks about <br />leaving staff positions open. He said that he is looking at every vacant position and will weigh <br />each one. <br />He said that there are lots of other technologies that the County could be using but it is not, <br />such as GPS units in EMS vehicles. There is also a huge amount of office space that the <br />County is using to store historic records. <br />Another issue is the long -term health coverage for employees, which is a great benefit, but it is <br />very expensive. He said that the goal should be for employees to be more healthy and <br />preventative in nature. <br />IV. Identify where opportunities exist to expand upon and improve the <br />County's communication efforts at all levels. <br />The problem here is reaching the public on a regular basis with a common tool that everyone <br />knows about. The key is to find someone with technical skills that can be taught about County <br />government. <br />VI. Look closely at reorganization options created by the potential retirements <br />resulting from the County's incentive program. <br />This is being done on a regular basis. <br />Regarding volunteer boards, he said that these all have to have staff support and a huge <br />amount of staff time. He said that there are some boards that need to be sunset because <br />there is some duplication. He suggested shifting some of the functions of volunteer boards to <br />a non - profit status so that it does not take up staff time. <br />He said that Orange County has a lot of dedicated employees and they do not always <br />communicate like they should between departments. He said that when there is an impact on <br />another department, those impacts need to be explored. <br />VII. Other duties as assigned (or as recognized by myself) needing <br />management oversight, input or direction. <br />Frank Clifton said that there is a concept within Orange County government called the Orange <br />County "way". He said that there is Board micromanagement. He said that staff thinks they <br />know what the Board likes and dislikes enough, and sometimes the options presented to the <br />Board are based on that rather than what is right or wrong. He thinks that sometimes the <br />Board does not hear what it needs to hear. His impression is that staff holds things back <br />because they are afraid that if they lay too many options out on the table that there will be <br />more work involved. He said that the Board of County Commissioners has to step up and <br />make a decision that may not be easy, but at least there was a decision. <br />