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15 <br />Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to add a friendly amendment to discuss <br />with Ben Lloyd and others that have lighted billboards regarding conforming with Orange County <br />standards and that staff bring back information about Orange County's ordinance. <br />Commissioner Yuhasz accepted the amendment. <br />Commissioner Nelson arrived at 7.33 PM. <br />The County Commissioners asked for more information on the digital signs. <br />Commissioner Jacobs restated his amendment, which was to work with Mr. Lloyd to <br />encourage him to put in lighting that conforms to Orange County's lighting standard and that the <br />Board be presented with the major transportation corridor ordinance and the reasoning behind <br />the approach to billboards. <br />VOTE: Ayes, 6; No, 1 (Commissioner Nelson) <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs that <br />when the result comes back to the Board, that the Board also get information in writing from <br />NCDOT concerning the digital lighting of signs and how the County's system would fit into an <br />ordinance amendment, and whether any other loopholes need to be closed. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. Follow -up with Interim Manager <br />Frank Clifton made this presentation to the Board. He also provided a written <br />document which is attached and hereby made a part of these minutes. <br />September 10, 2009 — Work Session Presentation <br />Frank W. Clifton, Jr — Interim County Manager <br />To: Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />Ms. Foushee, Chair Mr. Nelson, Vice Chair <br />Mr. Jacobs, Commissioner Ms. Gordon, Commissioner <br />Ms. Pelissier, Commissioner Ms. Hemminger, Commissioner <br />Mr. Yuhasz, Commissioner <br />This presentation follows the guidance provided and established by the County Commission <br />upon my initial employment as assignments. Briefly summarized below in respective order are <br />the items addressed: <br />I. Observe county government operations and develop a detailed summary of <br />`potential' items to be addressed in a more comprehensive manner. <br />II. Pursue a review and propose revisions to the County's current "Agenda <br />Development Process ". <br />III. Look closely at organizational efficiencies and effectiveness. <br />IV. Identify where opportunities exist to expand upon and improve the County's <br />communication efforts at all levels. <br />V. Take a close look at the staffing levels in the manager's office with regards to <br />existing and future challenges. <br />