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~ ~~ <br />Agenda Item 11: Monitornin Projects Exem t from Count 's <br />Erosion Control Ordinance <br />See page 146 for copy of the Erasion Control Officer's memorandum <br />concerning sedimentation and erosion control monitoring program for projects <br />in Orange County which are not under the jurisdiction of .the county. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to <br />request the County Manager write the towns of Hillsborough, Mebane, Chapel <br />Hill and Carrboro; the two school boards; and the University requesting <br />they adopt a resolution of intent to comply with the County's Sedimentation <br />and Erosion Control. Ordinance and include such a provision in their <br />contracts which would allow the Erosion Control Officer to inspect any <br />land disturbing activity now exempt from the ordinance. <br />Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said he would like to see more regular inspection <br />of larger projects. <br />Agenda Item 8: Resolution Establishin the Oran a Count <br />Human ervices visor Commission <br />Mr. Keith Aldridge addressed the Board about the establishment of a <br />permanent Human Services Advisory-Commission. <br />Commissioner Barnes moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to <br />amend Section VI of the resolution sa that appointmdnts from the Orange <br />County and Chapel Hill-Carrboro 5choal Boards would be made by the Boards <br />of Education instead of the Superintendents. Vote: ayes, Commissioners <br />Whitted, Walker, Willhoit and Barnes; noes, Commissioner Gustaveson. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, <br />the Board adopt a Resolution Establishing the Orange County Human <br />Services Advisory Commission. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. For copy of <br />said resolution, see page 149 of this book. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson requested a copy of the resolution be sent <br />to members of the Council, He requested Mr. Jae Bradshaw schedule a <br />meeting sometime in the next couple of weeks indicating the first <br />meeting. <br />Agenda Item 14: Un aid Taxes Secured b Liens on Real Pro ert <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to receive <br />the Tax Collector's report on .unpaid taxes in the amount of $598,626.54. <br />Vote: ayes, 53 noes, 0. <br />-5- <br />