Orange County NC Website
~~~. <br />Labor cost estimates far the sign crew are based on Alamance County`s <br />experience and anticipates a crew of four placing at least 15 signs a day. <br />The project coordinator position should continue at least one year. <br />Current CETA funding cgmrnitments and.regulatians terminate on September 30th. <br />It is reasonable to,assume, but not certain, this position could be continued <br />after that date. - <br />GENEitAL COMMENTS <br />If a CETA funded project coordinator is approved this project could <br />be started almost immediately with no significant local expense in this . <br />fiscal year. If the Board elects not to allocate a CETA position the <br />overall project budget estimate should be increased $9,500. The project <br />however could still be started almost immediately if the Board provided <br />funding for the coordinator`s position. <br />Appropriations for 600 signs and a crew to place these signs might <br />be approved in the 1979-1980 budget. The naming process however will not <br />be advanced far enough this summer. to make installations efficient. I <br />envision signs being acquired in the spring of 1980 and placed that summer. <br />- The problem I have with projecting a cost estimate. for the project • <br />revolves around the time it will take to complete the naming process. I <br />can locate no yardstick against which to measure. Alamance County has <br />- spent four years working on the area south of Interstate 85. However, <br />they have no good time records. Their planning department worked on the <br />project only when they had time available. The Qurham County project <br />was done many years ago and no records are available there. Thus; the <br />cost figures for the coordinators time is more of a guess than an estimate.- <br />If you fill this position through CETA that program will provide at least <br />seven months free time for the coordinator and possibly as much as eighteen <br />months. This longer time span appears more than adequate to perform the <br />• task. However if the task force resolving name issues does not meet fre- <br />quently.and close out its cases regularily the project is apt to be pro- <br />. trotted over an unreasonably long time thus running up its cost as well <br />-as delaying maximum community benefit. <br />-. - We can expect an initial flare of sign vandalism which will subside. <br />• ^Alamance County now must replace about l0Y of it signs annually. Our <br />long run experience should not differ greatly from theirs. <br />_ _- I have asked planning to investigate the practicality of developing <br />-~ a block and house numbering system for the rural area. If this idea <br />proves reasonable block numbers might be affixed to our signs with the <br />idea of implementing a rural house numbering system sometime in the future. <br />In making this plan I have attempted to: <br />A) Keep the Board of County Commissioners out .of the entire process <br />until a final public hearing. -There you will receive a recommended <br />road name from the "task force". Ida not feel you have time to <br />get more deeply involved in this process than necessary. <br />.. - c rayc v <br />Commissioners Memo <br />January 26, 1979 <br />