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~3 <br />P~ <br />Commissioner Pelissier said that it seems that this is a response to a particular request <br />for rezoning. She said that, if the County is going to implement the Revised Comprehensive <br />Plan, then this seems piece meal and not looking at the big picture. <br />There was no public comment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Gordon <br />refer the matter to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the County Board <br />of Commissioners in time for the August 18, 2009 BOCC meeting and adjourn the public <br />hearing until August 18, 2009 in order to receive the Planning Board's recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />3. Zoning Ordinance Amendment: To receive public comment on proposed amendments to <br />Article Six (6) Application of Dimensional Requirements Section 6.23.1 Land Use <br />Restrictions to modify existing regulations prohibiting non-residential development within the <br />University Lake Critical and Protected, Cane Creek Critical, and Upper Eno Critical <br />Watershed Protection Overlay Districts. <br />AGENDA ITEM: C3 <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />Review of a proposal to amend <br />Section 6.23.1 of the Zoning Ordinance <br />to modify existing regulations prohibiting non-residential development within certain Protected <br />and Critical Watershed Overlay Districts <br />ISSUE: <br />•Section 6.23.1 prohibits non-residential development within the University Protected and <br />Critical, Cane Creek Critical, and Upper Eno Critical Watershed Overlay Districts, <br />•Staff has determined that the majority of the Cedar Grove Rural Community Activity Node is <br />located within the Upper Eno Critical Watershed Overlay District, <br />•As a result the development potential of this Node is limited, <br />Cedar Grove Rural Community Activity Node: <br />STAFF COMMENT: <br />•Staff does not believe it was the intent of the County to outright prohibit non-residential <br />developments within established Nodes when it adopted the Watershed Overlay Districts in the <br />late 1980's and early 1990's. <br />•Staff believes that there is room for compromise that will allow for development within the <br />Nodes while preserving the integrity of the watershed areas consistent with the various goals of <br />the Comprehensive Plan. <br />PROPOSAL: <br />•Staff is proposing to amend Section 6.23.1 by adding the following language (in bold): <br />` No commercial or industrial uses are permitted except within esfab/fished Nodes as <br />detailed within the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. ` <br />•This amendment would only permit non-residential development within various protected and <br />critical water sheds in instances where there is an established Node. <br />