Orange County NC Website
RATIONALE: <br />•As previously indicated, staff does not believe the County intended to restrict development <br />within the various Nodes when it adopted watershed regulations, <br />•This amendment would allow for a reasonable level of non-residential development within a <br />Node even if it is located within a certain classification of protected or critical watershed, <br />•This amendment would only impact the Cedar Grove Rural Community Activity Node <br />Staff Recommendations: <br />•Receive the staff initiated zoning text amendment proposal including staff's report and <br />presentation materials, <br />•Conduct the Public Hearing and accept comments from all interested parties, <br />•Refer the matter to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned in time for the <br />September 1, 2009 BOCC meeting, <br />•Adjourn the Public Hearing until September 1, 2009 in order to receive the Planning Board's <br />recommendation. <br />Orange County Planning Director Craig Benedict said that three quarters of the uses at the <br />intersection of Efland-Cedar Grove Road and Carr Store Road are within the critical area. There has <br />been some difficulty with historic buildings that want to continue commercial operation into the future. <br />This amendment will enable that. <br />Commissioner Gordon said that if there is a mechanism to expand outside this area, she <br />would like some language to prevent expansion into the watershed. <br />Michael Harvey said that the boundaries can only be changed through a Comprehensive <br />Plan Amendment. He said that staff is trying to provide a scenario where the node could be utilized <br />as it was originally intended. He said that Orange County was proactive in expanding and being <br />stricter in the watershed. <br />County Attorney John Roberts said that he would look into it and develop some language. <br />There was no public comment. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Hemminger to <br />refer the matter to the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned in time for the September <br />1, 2009 BOCC meeting, and adjourn the public hearing until September 1, 2009 in order to receive <br />the Planning Board's recommendation. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />D. ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING <br />BOCC CLOSED SESSION: <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Hemminger, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to go <br />into closed session at 8:15pm: <br />"Pursuant to NCGS § 143-318.11(a)(6) to consider the qualifications, competence, character, <br />fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public <br />officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee" <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION <br />