Orange County NC Website
They felt that without their deer hunting or "harvesting", the deer <br />population would be less controlled and there would be greater damage to <br />local farm crops and vehicle collisions. It was noted that otherwise <br />farmers would obtain more permits to thin the deer population, and that <br />during the summer months the meat would be left to rot rather than be <br />consumed as it is during the hunting season. (In more informal <br />conversation, the WRC Officer noted to staff that he issues only a handful <br />of depredation permits north of I-85 by comparison with the twenty-plus <br />permits he issues in the southern part of the County.) <br />They also felt their use of GPS collars on the dogs helped manage and <br />direct their "chase" more effectively and safely than otherwise would be <br />the case; and the collars were not "shock" or control collars as members <br />of the non-hunting public might suspect. <br />• The hunters in attendance strongly urged the County not to take away <br />their ability to hunt deer with dogs; i.e., seek legislation similar to <br />Alamance and Durham County. They instead called upon citizens with <br />complaints to call upon Fish and Wildlife and law enforcement to respond <br />and take appropriate action against offenders. <br />As a result the hunters, State and County representatives discussed ideas and <br />alternatives for addressing trouble spots (outside of outright prohibition) and <br />came to the following understanding and agreements. <br />• WRC would step up its monitoring efforts, particularly in the areas known <br />to be hunted by the Triad Club, and educational outreach to the extent <br />practical within resources. <br />• The .Sheriff would remain cognizant and aggressive in response to citizen <br />complaints and advising hunters on local law and protocol. <br />• The hunters would increase their own vigilance surrounding safety, <br />courtesy, respect, and peer pressure to hunt responsibly. <br />• County Management would provide a meeting report (this memorandum) <br />to the Board. <br />This memorandum is provided as "information only" to the BOCC. Should there <br />be the need for further action at this time the BOCC is asked to advise County <br />Management. <br />Attachment <br />Sign-In Sheet from Meeting <br />