Orange County NC Website
~~~ ~~~ ~~ti4Qt.S FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 FY 2009-10 <br /> Current Amendment Revised <br />(~Mdd PG3~JJC~~4 C~~Oo~OaG <br />Hillsborough Elementary Renovations $ 1,475,000 (1,475,000) 0 <br />Pathwa s Elementa 13,014,081 (13,014,081 0 <br />C~~~~oa~ pc~oa ~ ca~~ruvo~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <br />Efland Cheeks Elementary 687,000 (553,459) 133,541 <br />Grady Brown Elementary 256,000 (201,960) 54,040 <br />Orange High School 3,623,800 (3,205,565) 418,235 <br />Stanford Middle School 3,457,047 (3,033,982) 423,065 <br />Technology 10,092,200 (9,848,101) 244,099 <br />Central Elementary Air 439,000 (199,000) 240,000 <br />Hillsborou h Elementa 1,456,250 1,161,250 295,000 <br />In addition to addressing the immediate problem of bringing records into alignment, the staffs of <br />each of the school systems and County staff agreed that there needed to be steps to insure that <br />project records are kept in alignment in the future. County staff and School staff have been <br />working more closely for some time which -has served to keep more recent project activity in <br />better alignment. Communication on an ongoing basis is the key element to keeping records in <br />agreement. A joint meeting with both school systems' staffs was held to discuss how to <br />accomplish this. The staff of the school systems and County staff agreed to meet twice a year <br />to compare records and resolve any differences. The County Financial Services staff would set <br />the meetings which would occur in the September and March-April timeframe. Additionally staff <br />agreed to maintain good ongoing communication whenever there was a question related to <br />capital project activities. The staffs also agreed that actions would be taken on a timely basis to <br />close out project budgets when a project was complete. Preventing problems like those that <br />occurred is not a matter of implementing many new procedures - it is being diligent in <br />performing reviews and reconciliations which exist and following up with the necessary <br />corrective actions. <br />The above process involving the two school systems' staffs will be valuable in catching and <br />correcting errors and problems and resolving differences related to capital projects. A copy of <br />the capital project monitoring procedures (previously included as an attachment to a June 16, <br />2009 Board agenda item) are provided as an attachment to this abstract as information. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: An appropriation of $723,945 of fund balance in the General Fund for <br />transfer to the School Capital Project fund is necessary to complete the funding needed to bring <br />project funding into alignment. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br />1) Approve the attached School Capital Project Ordinances; and <br />2) Approve the appropriation of $723,945 from fund balance in the General Fund for transfer <br />to the School Capital Project fund. <br />