Minutes - 19790116
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19790116
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~~~ <br />IgI - E. I'1z:~T. PLAT <br />ITI _ E .. 1, The a ina' pl.F?' of a prcg^ ;E•~ aubdivisian shall ba subnitted to <br />the P;anc;rd Bo'-d °nr ,`?.n='. ~?;-~va1_ 'L'i:e ~'ioal Plat, together with <br />tan (1?" .~~_ =vs 'h~rzc,-:, s a,T- b~ . ~:'•'r~t_ed. to the P:.ennanp DepartmQnt -.- <br />t.='_ve (1?) da,s prior to rP~,'?_-J.y sc^eduyad P1ar~irg Board meeting <br />For ,eel action arp•swing o,¢Aisap^rc~•.^g the plat shall be tab:en by <br />t?:e Plarniag ;icard aith?n thirty-six (36) days rtom the Cate of the <br />SaidL+Oet«ry at ~'^i.tit = t is first cocside~Pd. i?ailuxe n£ t:se P.anri; g <br />1oa:d to aap_ove a: disapprove the F'-nal °La- c:'thi:e z::e sazd thirty- <br />_ sz:: (36) days shay! be daa~red as approval. of said plan, and a cett~~icste <br />'. s:~~.ll bz issued 3y Che planning Board on demand, un? ess the subdivider <br />stsv-:'_d c:aive this _e~niremznt and consent ro the exC?rLclpP. o£ the <br />.. thirty -si't (35) day Deriod. if the final plat is disapproved, the <br />~- reasons far dis-~ppraval shall be stated upar. t:-a records. of the Plas~zn~ <br />. ._ . - Board. .. - <br />age 9 Final Plat <br />1. Section II:I--B-J.: Add: xhe Planning BoardTS decision may be appealed <br />by the subdivider to the County Coucnissfoners. <br />P.C1'1CN IV. :4=QUIRED :ix~il'~iV'~I D?SIGEd STAt.'DAc7J' 3' <br />Iti - B -- 2. L_~`iD SGzTe~BI7.i_"% <br />In reviewing subdlvi.s{acs proposals, the. Planning Board shall <br />consider the overall design cf the proposal in light ax tha"seit- <br />ahfZity of the lard £or development to fnsura that the platting and' <br />development of the subdivl_iaa will not treats a danger to the <br />healtz, sa£ecy, and welfare e£ Grange County residen,ts_ Each lot of <br />a subdivision shall contain at least one site which is s~tab~io <br />zor development. Lots that axe of 'restri=ced deve?o mzr_t patent-lal <br />sI2a11 be designated as such ea tha plat acd by iastrumnn~ ra,~~aa$ <br />to the Oraxiga Caezst registry as s ec"~~ isv - c xbad b <br />Sect;aa xIi - S -- 5 -- a of this Ord3^.2~ce. <br /> <br />13, Land Suitability <br /> <br />1. Section IV B-2 (paragraph 1): Delete the following two sentences: Each <br />lot of a subdivision shall contain at least one site which is suitable for <br />development. Lots that aze of restricted development potential shall be <br />designated as such on the plat and by instrument recorded in the Orange <br />County registry as specifically prescribed by Section III-E-S-e o£ this <br />ordinance.: re lace with: Each lot that does not contain a suitable building <br />site shall be designate on the plat as being o£ restricted development <br />potential and by instrument recorded in the Orange County registry as <br />specifically prescribed by Section III-E--S-e of this ordinance. <br />
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