Orange County NC Website
ESQ <br />IIZ -- D -- ~ - b. The Plan~:ing $oard shall consider arezs and conditions desariaed <br />in the Land $Ltlt3b:,lity $~ction of [his o*ditznce z^_c' the rar_nar <br />ir. which the proposed subdivision Canapes rhea. Tae sundiv±aer <br />shams, 1.1 '~ required to demonstrate hoar problems have <br />• bee_z avoided or the impacts of devel.oaaent cu.nimized by the use <br />of taachan;cal_ devices, arrangement of lot 13.nes, bu`fe, straps, <br />large lots, ar any other apnrapriate techniques_ <br />When the $oard determines that additional 3.nformatian i.s <br />necessary, it may crithho?d further cons:Lderatian oz" the proposal <br />until. the specified agency or technical camm3.ttees, ar i*:dividual <br />has furnis'red ,5::ca,, provided, however, in no event - _ <br />shall the Board withhold consideration beyond the seventy (70) <br />day review tine permitted by 5ectieu IIT-I}-l. _ - <br />2. Section III-]]-4 b: Amend to read as follows: TEte subdivider m~be <br />required to demonstrate how potential problems have been avoided or the impacts <br />of development minimized by the use of mechanical devices, arrangement of , <br />lot lines, buffer strips, large lots, or any other appropr3.ate techniques_ <br />III - ~ -• ~ - d. The EQard of County Cemsnissicnecs shah. revie:~ rh9 ^*'nposal, <br />iatludin2 Lhe Plannira Sca*d action, and shall apptavP, ~~+ptave <br />- uith cordzt;cns, ar Zisap?rc~•e the proacsal, ]:f the ~cerd an?rcvas <br />• with carditicns c, d;.sapnrn:-~:s the pr~pasal, the reeFnns shall <br />be stated l,n uniting to the ^:eveloper xnd e:~tered intc the aiaLtes <br />~. of the Scard. The $aard s::al-1 direct edditicrel revxeu end <br />action p•.*_rsuaat to this section or Freperatian o~ the Fiazl. Pla.., <br />.:hichever is aoFtcn~tiate. <br />Delete <br />3. ~ction III-D-G-~';,/ The Board shahdirect additional review \and action <br />pursue~t~ to this secti ~ar preparation bfJthe Final Play whichev~~ is <br />appropr'~ate. <br /> <br />..~.. ~ - F.._,r... <br />~ z~~ <br />