Minutes - 19790116
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19790116
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~' C ~ 9 <br />{ <br />t <br />S <br /> <br />I~x - D -- ~- - a. PRjE.I`3ZNrLR°- PL~.'4 APPRq~i~L <br />I:efor^~etian a:ed such checklists as ~sy be develoaed small be <br />presented by the Pl.annirg Dapart~e"ct with the Pzelimirarg Plan <br />• pertai,nirg to land suitability, alare with tort;°rts and certiiicstion <br />of reviewing agenzies, and ot?~er intatri,tioa required by this <br />crd.a~a.ance. f ication <br />Review agencies shall sake reco.~=a^.dations a; cer`'= raVlsi.Onal <br />to the P_a^n«ng 3oard on the bass o~ the suitGb~.lity, p <br />suitability, or unsui.Ca3ility of the pXaposal, •,r*hste it is <br />dete ~u.aed that to aa4:e the proposal suitable, altsrrate aeasures <br />ire available to the subdivider, ' suitability" shall <br />- b~ reco~sarded.. I-t age:ecy approval is with;~eld for zhi,s reason> - -- <br />- the agency shall, state in w(~aC tespecta it- is s~s~.t- ~ . <br />able and recaat:¢end a.=asuras, where possible, to make tY.e prcposal <br />suitable. only when na alteres.etives are 'available, shall <br />"ursuitaoility" 6e reCOmaended. the ag=ncy shall s4ate ia. c:he.z <br />respects the araposal is unscitable. - <br />Yn cases where the camcletion and development of the sus- <br />divis±on would raquixe perc~ics granted by an agency, treat agency <br />shall ofxicially approve by cezti**"irate or pez~it the subdivision <br />proposal.. The revie;r and certi`ication process shall i~.clude, <br />but not be 13seit2d to the foll.oa-ing ageMci°°-s wha shall sub~~t <br />theix findings, zeco~endacions, wad certificates in writing to <br />the Planning 9aard. <br />The l:-ollaJieg agaacies shall reviev and c2rtiiy w~.thin their area <br />of responsibility: <br />. 1. Th° District $ngiaeer of the ?F. C_ DepattWent o T;2nsporta . <br />tion shall zeview =s *o the pxoposed publicly dedicated streets, <br />highways, sud drain~ge systa~xs as th°y affect such streets and <br />highways. The Department shall revi.ea and terrify as ,to <br />p=ivat° roads ~..+rsuzat to stan'~ds sat forth in this oxdina, ce. <br />2. Tra ~ea?tis Dapart.nant sne.I:l review and Certify as to thQ <br />p:opased water aced se-~araga systens. - <br />• 3. The Board or Education of the approprie.te school discxict <br />shall review and certify as to praposEd school sites. <br />k. The Qrarega Soil. a~ad Water Careservatior. District shaf? <br />review a d rectify as to a general sails description and interpxz- <br />tatiae. - <br />- 5. The Erasion Cameral Officez s?ea11 review a*id eerCzz'y as <br />to sediaeent control and stars water.nauage3ent. _ <br />1. Section III--D-4--a: Add: 6. Rath township's advisory caunc~ ]. s~~all be <br />informed by the Planning Soard.of preliminary plans of propased~u~bdivisions <br />within that township. <br />
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