Orange County NC Website
~• .~ ~ ~ 31 <br />not be used for the transportation of Patients on the <br />streets, highways, waterways or airways of the County. <br />EMS Peer Review Committee means an Emergency Medical <br />Services Peer Review Committee as defined by Law, and in <br />Orange County is also known as the "Orange County EMS Audit <br />and Review Committee," which also has the powers and duties <br />of, the "Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council" as <br />specified in the EMS Franchise Ordinance. . <br />EMS System means this Franchise and the remaining aspects <br />of Orange County's coordinated arrangement of resources <br />(including personnel, equipment and facilities) organized <br />to respond to medical emergencies, including without <br />limitation the Specialty Care Transport Program and <br />integrated with other health care providers and networks <br />including, but not limited to, public health, community <br />health monitoring activities and special needs populations. <br />EMS Services means the combination of services to be <br />provided by Grantee pursuant to this Franchise as specified <br />in Section 4 of this Franchise. <br />EMS Services Vehicle(s) means Ambulance(s) or other <br />authorized vehicle(s) used by Grantee to provide EMS <br />Services. <br />First Responder means personnel trained in emergency <br />medical care that are dispatched to the scene of a medical <br />emergency for the primary purpose of providing emergency <br />medical assistance to a Patient until an Ambulance or other <br />additional medical aid arrives. <br />Franchise means this instrument which is a permit issued by <br />the Grantor to Grantee for the operation of Grantee's EMS <br />Services and a contract by which both parties agree to the <br />terms of the operation of the EMS Services to be provided. <br />Franchise District means a specifically defined EMS <br />provider service area of the county established using <br />criteria that includes geographic size, road access, the <br />location of existing medical transportation services, <br />population and response time, as specified in Exhibit A <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein. <br />Franchisee(s) means Persons or entities, other than the <br />Grantee, having been issued permits by the County for the <br />4 <br />