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29 <br />WHEREAS, the procedures of N.C. Gen. Stat. ~ 153A-250, <br />§ 153A-45, and § 153A-46 have been complied with. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: <br />Section 1. Nature and Term of Grant <br />A. The Grantor hereby grants the Grantee a non- <br />exclusive Franchise to operate and maintain EMS <br />Services (be an EMS Services provider) -in the <br />Franchise District upon the terms and conditions <br />set forth herein. <br />B. The Franchise granted herein is for a term of <br />five (5) years from the effective date of the <br />Franchise, which' shall be the date of acceptance <br />~by the Grantee of the Franchise .terms and <br />conditions set forth herein. <br />Section .2. Abbreviations <br />As used in this Franchise, the following abbreviations. <br />mean: <br />EMS - Emergency Medical Services <br />EMT - Emergency Medical Technician <br />EMT-P - EMT-Paramedic <br />Section 3. ~ Definitions <br />The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this <br />Franchise, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this <br />Section, except where the context clearly indicates a <br />different meaning: <br />Air Medical Ambulance means an aircraft specifically <br />designed and equipped to~transport Patients by air as <br />defined by State Law. <br />Ambulance means any privately or. publicly owned motor- <br />vehicle, aircraft or vessel that is specially designed, <br />constructed or modified and equipped and is intended to be <br />used for and is maintained or operated for the <br />transportation on~the streets or highways, waterways or <br />airways of this state of Persons who require Ground <br />Ambulance, Air Medical Ambulance, Water Ambulance, or other <br />EMS Services authorized by this Franchise. <br />2 <br />