Agenda - 11-17-2009 - 4i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-17-2009
Agenda - 11-17-2009 - 4i
Entry Properties
Last modified
11/13/2009 12:04:55 PM
Creation date
11/13/2009 12:04:49 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
Document Relationships
Minutes - 20091117
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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20~ <br />Franchise in the event of noncompliance with the <br />provisions of the Orange County Franchise Ordinance or <br />this Franchise. After a notice of service termination <br />is given, the provider may reapply for a franchise if <br />continued service is desired. <br />(b) Upon suspension, revocation or termination of this <br />Franchise, Grantee shall immediately cease all <br />operations authorized by the Franchise. <br />(c) Upon suspension, revocation or termination of a <br />Driver's license such Persons shall cease to drive an <br />Ambulance or other EMS Services Vehicle. Upon <br />suspension, revocation or termination of an <br />attendant's certificate, i.e., EMT or EMT-P <br />certificate, such Persons shall cease to attend <br />patients or otherwise provide medical care. Grantee <br />shall not permit the foregoing Persons to drive an <br />Ambulance or other EMS Services Vehicle or provide <br />medical care in conjunction with the EMS Services. <br />(d) In the event that Grantee shall at any time during the <br />Franchise desire to sell any of the real and personal <br />property identified in Exhibit B (hereafter "Asset" or <br />"Assets") pursuant to a bona fide offer which it shall <br />have received, it shall offer to sell any such Asset <br />or Assets (hereafter "Asset or Assets for Sale") to <br />Grantor at the same price as that contained in such <br />bona fide offer. The offer to Grantor to sell an Asset <br />shall be in writing and shall include a copy of the <br />bona fide offer for the Asset received by the Grantee. <br />Grantor shall have 60 days from and after receipt <br />thereof~to decide whether or not to purchase the Asset <br />or Assets for Sale at such price. If Grantor shall <br />give notice of intent not to purchase or shall give no <br />notice within the time herein limited, Grantee may <br />accept such offer and proceed with the sale <br />thereunder. If Grantor notifies Grantee that it elects <br />to purchase the Asset or Assets for Sale at such <br />price, the parties shall enter into a contract of <br />purchase and sale forthwith. Such contract shall <br />provide, among other things, for the conveyance of <br />good and marketable title by warranty deed. Upon <br />dissolution of the Grantee pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. <br />~ 55A-14-1, et seq., the Assets shall be either: (a) <br />distributed to one or more appropriate receiving <br />successor Franchisee(s) that will carry on, in Orange <br />18 <br />
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