Orange County NC Website
<br />~,~~~ <br />~oFr <br />tnsrFw, <br />..,- <br />~-~' <br />~'~'> <br />`1 ' <br />NCDA&CS <br />ADFP Trust Fund <br />Grant Application Guidelines <br />^ Overview <br />. ~ Mission <br />To fund projects to encourage the preservation of qualifying agricultural, horticultural, <br />and forestlands to foster the growth, development, and sustainability of family farms. <br />History <br />Between the years of 2002 and 2007, North Carolina lost 600,000 acres of farmland <br />according to USDA-NABS; this is equivalent to the average size of one of our counties. In <br />addition, thousands of acres of forestlands have been converted to development. This has <br />put a strain on our county budgets, our local and state economy, and our natural resources, <br />and is a loss to our agricultural heritage. The foundation of North Carolina's #1 industry <br />needs to be protected from unwise and unplanned conversions to other uses. <br />Today, approximately 90 percent of all North Carolina lands are privately owned. The U.S. <br />Census Bureau predicts that our state's population will expand by 4 million people by 2030. <br />This growth threatens our farm and forestland. Preserving farmland also protects our <br />natural resources, wildlife habitat, and water resources. <br />Eligibility <br />All applicants must be non-profit conservation organizations or county agencies. <br />(G.S.106-744) <br />Farmers, landowners, and others interested in applying must partner with anon-profit <br />conservation organization or county agency in order to participate in an ADFP Trust Fund <br />grant proposal. <br />Agricultural Development and Plan grants are limited to requests regarding projects serving <br />the constituents of a Voluntary Agricultural District (VAD) or Enhanced Voluntary <br />Agricultural District (EVAD) or the establishment of a VAD, EVAD, or County Farmland <br />Protection Plan. <br />Funding Purposes <br />To secure agricultural conservation easements on agricultural, horticultural, and forestlands <br />for active production of food, fiber, and other agricultural products. Easements include the <br />following options: <br />^ Perpetual <br />^ 50 year term <br />^ 40 year term _ <br />^ 30 year term <br />^ 20 year term <br />^ 10 year term <br />