Orange County NC Website
•Pl return this copy to ~ <br />Clerk to the Board's office for PAF ° <br />LETTER OF AGREEMENT (October 15, 200 1 ~ ~ ~ D,lAI ~ g <br />~~~ ~~~' <br />This is an agreement between the Orange County Government and the School of Government (SOG), at the <br />University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Its purpose is to secure professional services to conduct a series of <br />planning retreats for the Orange County Board of Commissioners and staff. <br />1. Services. Pre-retreat planning and meetings, prepare agendas and conduct one retreat session. The outline of <br />services is in the attached draft agenda (forthcoming). Facilitators/presenters are Lydian Altman and <br />Jonathan Morgan. <br />2. Duration of Services. The services outlined in this agreement shall take place on November 14, 2009 (full <br />day). <br />3. Compensation. Orange County Government agrees to pay no more than $ 4,000 to the SOG based on daily <br />rate of $1,000 per day. Orange County Government agrees to reimburse the SOG for reasonable travel, <br />lodging, and meal expenses. <br />Total Days <br />Prep work .75-1.0 days @ 2 facilitators; 1.0 day@ 1 faculty $ 2,500-$3,000 <br />On-site 1.0 day @ 1 facilitator; .5 faculty 1,000 <br />Follow-un .5 day (7a, 1 MPA student no charge <br />4. Payments. Payments will be made to the School of Government, upon invoicing from the SOG, as follows: in <br />one lump sum following completion of the work <br />5. Ownership of Materials. The SOG will provide Orange County Government with agendas and notes from <br />each retreat session. <br />6. Liaisons. Frank Clifton shall serve as a liaison for issues concerning work under this agreement. Lydian <br />Altman shall serve as liaison for the SOG. <br />Lydian Altman <br />Associate Project Director <br />Public Intersection Program <br />School of Government <br />UNC Chapel Hill <br />#3330, Knapp-Sanders Building <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3330 <br />(919)962-0103 <br />l~d% ~qu~o~.a~rc.tdG€ <br />Frank Clifton <br />County Manager <br />Orange County <br />200 South Cameron Street <br />Post Office Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />(919)245-2300 <br />Modification, Extension, and Termination. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the <br />parties. It maybe modified, extended, or terminated by mutual consent of the parties. <br />Organization <br />~~ S <br />Date <br />O <br />Date <br />This instrument has been pre-audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control <br />Act. <br />By: ~,~ ~~ 0 ~ <br />Financia ervi a Date <br />.-~- <br />