Orange County NC Website
i .. ~ - ~JJ <br />F <br />the property should revert back to the county. He said HUD gave the Housing <br />r <br />ra Authority a grant for $15D,000 to build a building, but there was no provision <br />- ~ ~ in the grant to purchase land. <br />r The County Attorney asked whether the deed should be restricted to Housinn <br />E Authority activities or public purpose activities county-wide. <br />T <br />Commissioner Whitted said the conveyance should be restricted to oaerati•nn <br />1{ a Housing Authority. Limitations on the Housing Authority will be imaosed by <br />i <br />HUD guidelines. He said the deed should also include restrictions by which the <br />c county is abiding in its deed. Another. res-tr-i-ction s`that-we cannot take. action__ , <br />c ~-. _ _ .- - -..-. - _ .._.-.- .. __ .: -... ...... -: ..:... - .. -.._.... <br />1 until_ we receive-permission-from the Cha el Hi11-Carrboro: Board-of:Educati'on:T~••~ ^-~- <br />Gommissioner Whitted said the•i;oard of education should be advised we have <br />~ conducted public hearings, received no adverse sentiment from the public, <br />and request permission to convey the property. Commissioner Whitted <br />requested to see the restrictions on the deed before the County Attorney <br />met with the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education. <br />Agenda Item 6: Additions to State Highway System <br />Gommissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner l~Jalker, to acknowledge <br />receipt of information from Division of Highways on Roberts Road and Beasley Road <br />' - and to concur with approval to add Ingram Road to the State Flighway System. <br />Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Agenda Item 7: Recommendations.of.the'Tax Supervisor . <br />Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner 4li11hoit to accept <br />the Tax Supervisor's recommendation to refund $1,664.3D,-1976 tax- to Zoom-Zoom, <br />Inc. Vote: ayes,•~5; noes, D. <br />Commissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, to accept <br />the Tax Supervisor's recommendation to refund 1978 tax of $165.43 to Terry Moore. <br />Vote:. ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Willhoit moved, seconded by Commissioner Walker, to accept the <br />Tax Supervisor's recommendation-to refund 1978 dog license fee of $4.04 to Lula <br />Nicks. Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner lJalker moved, seconded by Commissioner Barnes, to accept the <br />Tax Supervisor's recommendation to refund $50.4D to Annie Phillips. <br />Vote: ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />Gommissioner Walker moved, seconded by Commissioner Gustaveson, to accent <br />the Tax Supervisor's recorr~endation to refund $66.D0 to Minor E. Lyons. Vote: <br />ayes, 5; noes, 0. <br />- 5- <br />