Orange County NC Website
0t2 <br />Truck Driver and two Assistant Sanitation Truck Drivers be funded from the <br />Contingency Fund. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner !~lhitted set a meeting for Tuesday, January 9; at 7:30 p.m., in <br />the Commissioners' Room of the Courthouse, to consider the items not considered <br />during this meeting. <br />Agenda Item 22: NACO Conference in Chica o <br />Commissioner Gustaveson gave the County Attorney a letter about a con- <br />. <br />ference for County Attorneys to be held in Chicago. <br />.Agenda Ltem 23: __. _. _ ___,,-. Special Legislation. _--.._..-..-__._._,__.... _.. _ ' <br />•---- <br />. - _ ~= --Comrtrissi_onar.-ld-l~ho~t-ma_ved;-seconded°b_~-Commts5~oner~G;rs.~Caveson;-ta-= ---:.-~.°'-" ..- <br />hold a public hearing to stagger membership on the County Baard of Public Health. <br />Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0.' <br />~ Commissioner .Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner ?,lillhait, to schedule <br />a public hearing to discuss size and method of appointment to the ABC Board on <br />r <br />January 16, 1979. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />j There being no'further business to come before the Board, the meeting was <br />ad.' ou rn ed . <br />7 <br />~~~ ~-- ,~ <br />i Richard l~hitted, Chairman <br />j Mary Lou Bouley, Clerk <br /> <br />-12- <br />