Orange County NC Website
Q?3 <br />Corranissianer lJhitted asked the County Attorney to write a letter to <br />Mr. pavis notifying him of the Baard's decision to rescind the fine. <br />Agenda Item 25: piscussion-Erosion Control Monitoring Program <br />Commissioner Willhoit reauested a Sedimentation and Erosion Control <br />Monitoring Program be placed on the work agenda far discussion. <br />Agenda Item 14: CETA Report_ <br />' .. <br />. _-,. ._ _Mr_..~_Joe-.Br_ads-h~Ht,S.v_ld :.t,h~,~Rard_'there,_i.s anew°;allocatonYof .121;874_ __w..- -: - <br />under Title II. He said there-is also $20,000-for .a.YCCIP'`pr~gham that ..--.- ..- <br />' - ~ 's -weather-zati4n~ program:-_~~e saidthat`- - <br />will Finance.3.5 positions for JOCCA <br />Title II money will allow funding For the 33 slots previously approved by <br />the Commissioners under Title VI. He .said there will be money available Far <br />additional slots. The hiring freeze has been lifted for January, February <br />~ and Plarch for positions that had a positive termination. This means, before <br />f <br />we can hire someone far a particular slot, we have to help the former <br />employee find another job or take them over ourselves. <br />Commissioner Willhoit requested JOCCA's needs be considered for any <br />additions. Commissioner Gustaveson said Chapel Hill, Hillshorough and <br />Carrboro's requests should also be considered. <br />j Mr. Bradshaw said the new regulations encourage Tess governmental <br />j dependence on the program. He said to be eligible, you have to 6e unemployed <br />I <br />~ for 15 weeks with,.a income than the previsous requirement. He <br />said every person in CETA P5E program will be terminated October 1 - that is <br />18 months of service. A slot can remain but not the person. Approvals for <br />supplements must go through the state and the wage level will be about $7,ZOD. <br />He said that in the future, Title II will be a direct allocation relatinn to <br />income and employment and Title VI will be a fluctuating sum based on levels <br />of unemployment. <br />Agenda Item 15: Additional Count -Funded Positions <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner !~lillhoit, to <br />approve the County Manager's recommendation to convert four CETA positions - <br />Public !dorks Clerk, Sanitation Truck priver, (2) Assistant Sanitation Truck <br />Drivers - to county-funded positions. Vote: ayes, 4; noes, 0. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson moved, seconded by Commissioner hlillhoit, to <br />amend the budget so that the funding for the Public !forks Clerk, Sanitation <br />-11- <br />