Orange County NC Website
Housing & Community Development <br />Staff has not initiated nor accomplished anything related to this Priority. <br />However, it is certainly on the "radar" for the Affordable Housing Advisory Board <br />to address, probably during the third quarter of the fiscal year. <br />Planning <br />Since this priority involves for - profit development, the Planning Department will <br />be analyzing any regulatory tools that need to be augmented to encourage the <br />private sector during the development process to afford itself of existing density <br />bonuses. This will be done in conjunction with Housing & Community <br />Development (pursuant to their work plan time frame) whose non - profit <br />affiliations may manage new inventory. <br />6) Develop plan and tools to improve the way County and citizens <br />communicate with each other; foster two -way exchange (Goal 2, 4 <br />votes) <br />Staff has successfully planned, redesigned and implemented a new Internet site <br />providing the public with more efficient and more accessible web -based <br />information and services. A new Technology Request Tool was also designed <br />and implemented to track requests for technology expenditures, allowing for <br />smooth workflow communications between requestors, information <br />Technologies, Finance and Purchasing. A LaserFiche system was also <br />implemented to provide staff and the public with an efficient mechanism for <br />searching BOCC minutes and ordinances. <br />Staff is currently working on the steps to implement the Granicus streaming video <br />solution for web - casting meetings to the public and a 'self- subscription" feature <br />on the County website, by which members of the interested public can receive <br />information from the County. <br />Other on -going efforts include: leading a major redesign of County's Intranet site <br />to provide a repository for policies, procedures and operating support information <br />and services, and the advancing of County -wide use of existing calendaring <br />technology for staff to efficiently track staff schedules as well as the availability of <br />shared resources such as vehicles, meeting rooms, and office space. <br />7) Improve intra -and inter - governmental coordination, cooperation and <br />collaboration: (a) Work with Town of Hillsborough on joint land °use ° °- <br />planning approaches, policies and ordinances and annexation; <br />Economic Development Districts. (b) Work with City of Durham on <br />Economic Development Districts (Goal 2, 4 votes) <br />