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<br />_ .`~ <br />Agenda Item 8: Clarificatiyn_of Municipal Support for <br />Recreation ~ ~ ~~ <br />Commissioner Barnes said there was some discussion about the nature <br />of allocation of mutual support to the towns. Commissioner Barnes checked <br />the minutes of the June 8, 1978 meeting and made the following motion: <br />Commissioner Barnes, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, moved the <br />Board send a letter i:o Chapel Hill and Carrboro including the following: <br />1) nature of the allocation, which is npn-categorical, to be used fior' <br />town recreation programs at the discretion of the towns; 2) request an <br />accounting be kept on what amounts are expended on which programs; <br />3) status of the allocation, which is the original amount, plus carry <br />over, minus expenditures made, including present balance; 4) suggested <br />arrangement for transfer of balance to towns so that there is no <br />misunderstanding. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said in order to make the program workable, <br />funds had to be allocated for staff. He said there was money for staff <br />time included in the request to keep the gyms open. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said he thought the Board agreed it would <br />6e better not to make categorical allocations but to give the intent of the <br />allocation. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson said, then, we need to think of a new <br />formula to allocate funds to Chapel Hi11 and Carrboro. He felt details <br />were worked out clearly with Chapels Hill and Carrboro to utilize school <br />facilities. <br />Commissioner Willhoit said the intent was to provide equity in <br />municipal areas. This one specific thing we could fund. <br />Commissioner Barnes said if the request was for $65,Op0 for gym <br />rental and the Board knew there was a carry over and knew this would <br />create a surplus, she would have tv base her understanding of the <br />allocation upon the recorded June 8th minutes, which gives the towns <br />authority to use the money as they see fit. <br />