Agenda - 11-05-2009 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2009
Agenda - 11-05-2009 - 7a
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Last modified
11/5/2009 12:47:38 PM
Creation date
11/5/2009 12:47:38 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20091105
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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3 <br />positive feedback received is encouraging and underscores that this address model will continue <br />to serve the County for many years to come. <br />The next phase of the addressing project is already in progress. Information Technologies - GIS <br />and ES staffs have worked closely with staff at all levels of the County and municipal fire stations <br />to develop an address verification project. The aim of this project is to follow-up on the address <br />verification project performed by GTG in 2006 as well as to collect more data about addresses <br />and streets that will be beneficial to all users. Two fire departments are currently participating, <br />with the rest to begin early next year. The benefits of this will be a continued reduction in <br />unverified addresses as well as increased intelligence for the address data, making it suitable for <br />more advanced land use and site assessment analysis. <br />The final phase of the addressing project will be to present a revised addressing ordinance to the <br />Board. This ordinance is being developed by staff from Orange County, Chapel Hill, Carrboro, <br />and Hillsborough. The goal will be to clarify ambiguities in the ordinance and provide for <br />enforcement to assist first response agencies throughout the County in effectively delivering <br />services. These procedures will provide a framework for address assignment in the future and <br />provide a mechanism of accountability for property owners. Without this framework and <br />accountability, public safety is limited in its ability to serve. <br />One such instance occurred recently when a house off Lavinia Lane caught fire. Neither the <br />street sign nor address was visible from the road and emergency responders were initially unable <br />to locate the home. Eventually responders saw the flames and were able to arrive in time to <br />save the house. The current original damage estimate was $475,000 to a home worth $1.4 <br />million. There are other examples where addressing ambiguities have resulted in significant <br />property loss. While the new address model and GTG's address verification process have <br />resulted in a tight set of unambiguous addresses, the County still must rely on property owners to <br />identify their structures using these addresses. Fortunately there are no cases where loss of life <br />has resulted from these ambiguities. However, without an enforceable ordinance, this possibility <br />exists. <br />The development of a modern, dynamic address model that integrates all the addressing <br />jurisdictions is a major step forward in improving support to 911 emergency response in Orange <br />County, but it must be sustainable. Staff believes that the adoption of an addressing ordinance <br />will help preserve the hard work completed over the past three years, as well as pave the way for <br />improvements in emergency services and response in the future. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with receiving this report. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board receive the report and support <br />the continued development of the address ordinance. <br />
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