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This will allow the County to begin discussions of the aforementioned public/private <br />partnerships to extend wireless service to the underserved areas of the County and to promote <br />the use of current technologies (including broadband) to support public safety, information <br />transfer, public communication, and economic development. <br />Proposal: Identify select County properties for potential tower locations and authorize pre- <br />enrollment into the Master Telecommunications Plan (MTP) for next February. <br />Section 6.18.5 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance addresses the development of a Master <br />Telecommunications Plan. The intent of the Plan is to identify preferred tower locations where <br />property owners (including schools, OWASA, voluntary agricultural districts etc.) have <br />expressed an interest in allowing such facilities on their property. <br />Section 6.18.1 states that Planning Department staff members may administratively approve <br />towers under one hundred fifty (150) feet in height on County property, and in other specific <br />instances, as long as the proposed tower complies with the various development standards, <br />location requirements, testing, and plan submittal details as contained within Section 8.8.17 a. <br />The processing of the application through the general conditions and required findings of fact is <br />not required. <br />Note: There are no specific tower request applications at this time: This is a proactive plan to <br />allow the County to expeditiously prepare grants to meet America's Recovery and Reinvestment <br />Act (ARRA) grant guidelines. <br />Non-Public Hearing Items <br />Additionally, staff intends to present the following non-public hearing items at the joint meeting: <br />1. State of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br />November 18th is the first anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. <br />Consistent with Plan recommendations for monitoring and evaluation, staff is providing a status <br />report to the BOCC. Status reports are to occur every other year beginning one-year after Plan <br />adoption. <br />2. Census 2010 Complete Count Committee (CCC) Update <br />Staff will provide a brief update on the activities of the Committee, formed to help build <br />awareness about the census, why it is important, and encourage participation. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Other than advertising costs, which are included in the FY 2009-10 <br />Budget, there are no direct financial impacts associated with the approval of this item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve the proposed <br />November 23, 2009 Quarterly Public Hearing legal advertisement. <br />