Orange County NC Website
~,".~ ~4~ <br />~ ,' . y <br />~ • ./', <br />. .., <br />sA°twwwa'" <br />North Carolina Department of Correction <br />DIVISION OF COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS <br />2020 Yonkers Rd. • 4250 MSC • Raleigh, N.C. 27699-4250 <br />Phone: (919) 716-3100 Fax: (919) 716-3996 <br />Beverly Eaves Perdue Timothy D. Moose Alvin W. Keller, Jr. <br />Governor Director Secretary <br />September 8, 2009 <br />Laura Blackmon <br />Orange/Chatham Counties <br />Post Office Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />Dear Sir or Madam: <br />You were informed in Secretary Kelley's letter dated June 20, 2009 that the county's application for a Criminal Justice Partnership <br />grant for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 had been approved. The exact amount could not be specified at that time since the state budget was still under <br />review by the legislature. We are pleased to advise you that in the final budget approved in Senate Bill 202, the total appropriation for the <br />Criminal Justice Partnership was not reduced. <br />The funding amounts for counties participating in the Criminal Justice Partnership Program will continue to be based on the following <br />three (3) basic criteria, as mandated in the funding formula in N.C.G.S. 1438-273.15: <br />1. A fixed, equal amount per county, based on the number of counties participating; <br />2. Each county's share of the state population; and <br />3. Each county's amount of Intermediate entries. <br />Effective July 1, 2009, the Department of Correction has recalculated each county's allocation of the funding based on the formula <br />using updated state population and intermediate entries data as the legislature required. <br />For fiscal year 2009-2010, your funding amount has been established at 5173.467. <br />Since your final grant award amount is different from the amount oo your application, it is necessary that you submit a "Funding <br />Modification form," which can be found on the CJPP home page at httD:// under IMS (inks, On Line Forms, CJPP <br />Fiscal Forms. This forTn is to be completed and returned to the Division of Community Corrections, CJPP fiscal office in Raleigh by <br />September l8, 2009. For assistance with the completion of this form, or if you have a question regarding your funding amount, contact Sandra <br />Shearin in the DCC Administration office in Raleigh at (919) 716-31 l6. <br />Additionally, enclosed you will find a grant award contract, and "Designated Authority for Reimbursement Requests" farm, both of <br />these documents need to be completed and returned by September 30, 2009. Please review these documents and inform all relevant parties of <br />their responsibilities. It is necessary for the COUNTY'S AUTHORIZING OFFICIAL to SIGN and RETURN al! documents to Valery <br />Stephens (4250 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-4250). All doctuments and forms must be completed and on file in the Division of Community <br />Corrections CJPP office in Raleigh before reimbursements to the local county programs can begin. <br />1 join the North Carolina State Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board and the Partnership stall' in offering congratulations on <br />receiving this grant Thank you for your continuing support of this important effort. <br />With kind personal regards, I remain <br />Respectfully, <br />. ~ ~ ~~ <br />Timothy D. Moose <br />Director <br />cc: Yolanda Whiued, Orange County Dept of SS, Division of CS ~ ~t/ a ~~/~ //y y <br />Trish Hussey, Freedom Houu Recovery Cemer / / <br />Malt Sullivan, Orange Coumy GPP aoard Chair A `~ ~~~ ~/~ ~-- <br />Conr~ Strader, Division II CJPP Coordinator R//'~i~Ii <br />Diane Isaaes,Aairrg Divisioa Admin'rstretm Div, !I <br />Sande Shearin, Chief of Administrativa Services <br />Allison lourdan, Chief oFProgrem Services <br />Yolonda Woodhousq Assislam Chief of Program Services <br />File <br />3 <br />An Equat Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer <br />