Minutes - 19781204
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19781204
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8/14/2008 11:36:43 AM
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8/13/2008 12:26:31 PM
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808 <br />Mr. McAdams explained trying to tie into those lines would necessitate <br />refirbishing an existing pump station at a cost of $8,000 to $10,000. He <br />said there is some water service in the Northern Fairview area and the <br />plan is to complete the 6" and 2" lines network and install fire hydrants. <br />He said the proposal included bringing water and sewer to houses with <br />existing plumbing at no cost to the occupant. He said competitive bids <br />would be necessary to keep the project within its budget. He said the <br />task forces had designated sewers as the first priority, 6" water lines .. ' <br />_. _. <br />next. and 2" lines and fire hydrants as lower priorities. He said the <br />residents have been involved in two public hearings and we have explained <br />to them the priorities and plans. l+Ie have also explained to them about <br />sewer easements and we will follow the HUD guidelines to reimburse individuals <br />for these easements. <br />'The planning Director introduced Ms. Diane Woolly, Community <br />Development Coordinator. Ms. Woolly said they hoped to start construction <br />on March 5th. She said they would like to have a formal ribbon cutting <br />ceremony inviting the Commissioners, task forces and community members. <br />She said FHA seemed to have the best financial package for homes with no <br />plumbing. She said #502 is a home ownership program that will loan up <br />to 100% at an interest rate of 8 3/4 percent down to 1 percent depending <br />upon the family's income. Loan #50~ is a home repair loan and grant <br />for a maximum of $5,000 at an interest rate of 1 percent. Persons over <br />age 6Z with certain income criteria are eligible for the maximum grant <br />of $5,000. She said there was no financial assistant at this point for <br />renters. Ms. Woolly said the landlords would be contacted but FHA had no <br />mechanism to deal with landlords. She said there was some provision <br />under HUD for landlords that would be presented at a later stage. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked how many tenant-occupied homes had <br />failing septic systems and contaminated wells. Ms. Woolly said JOCCA <br />.surveyed one-half of the residents and one-half of those surveyed were <br />renters without indoor plumbing facilities. She said she hoped the survey <br />would be completed sometime between now and the end of January. <br />
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