Orange County NC Website
Il6 <br />medical care needs of every citizen of Orange Gaunty and each <br />community of Orange County and to periodically report to the <br />Board of Commissioners and to the people of Orange Caunty <br />regarding the health services available. <br />Section III. There is hereby created and established the ORANGE <br />COUNTX•HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE ADVI50RY COUNCIL. <br />Sectian IV. The COUNCIL is charged with the continuing respon- <br />sibility to: <br />4 -2- <br />LOLEMAN.SERNHOLZ <br />k DICKEASON <br />• ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />CHAPEL H1L4, N.C. <br />aILLS60R000H, N.C. <br />A. Study the health and medical care needs and <br />resources of Orange County and to periodically report the results <br />of the studies to the Board of Cammissioners; <br />B. Study and periodically recommend to the Board of <br />Commissioners means by which the health and medical care system <br />components can coordinate and facilitate the delivery o£ health <br />care. <br />The periodic reports and recommendations envisioned in <br />A and B herein should contain sufficient detail to permit the <br />Board of Commissioners and the people of Orange County to under- <br />stand the requirements for implementing each program presented as <br />an aptian and insofar as possible to indicate the expected cost <br />of and benefits from each alternative. The reports and recommen-~ <br />dations should also indicate what effect new programs will have <br />on the programs that are now in operation. Any such report or <br />recommendation therefore should contain an inventory of all <br />current programs including their costs to Orange County along <br />with the services that are currently being provided through <br />t <br />each program; <br />C. Facilitate communication among various components <br />of the health system; <br />A. Provide a forum where providers and consumers can <br />consider health system alternatives; <br />E. Encourage and facilitate consumer involvements in <br />the planning and delivery of health services; <br />F. Provide a forum far local input into Capital Health <br />Systems Agency initiatives; <br />