Orange County NC Website
.~ •~ <br />773 <br />RESOLUTSON ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ORANGE COUNTX <br />50IL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATSON CONTROL ORDINANCE <br />COLEMAN, BERNHOLZ <br />h LhCKQ~RSOti <br />A.TORNEYS AT LAW <br />CHAFEI. HILL, N.C. <br />HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. <br />The Baard of Commissioners for Orange County, North <br />Carolina met in regular session at the Commissioners Room at the <br />County Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, the regular <br />place of meeting at 1.0:00 A.M. on November 6, 1978. A11 members <br />of the Baard were present at the opening of the meeting. <br />Commissioners Pinney and Talker were not present when the follow- <br />ing resolution was introduced to the Board: <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Baard of Commissioners for Orange <br />County that the Orange County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation <br />Ccr.---a1 amended as shown in the complete ordinance <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference_ The <br />sections amended are indicated as such. The amendments to take _ <br />effect upon notification of approval. of the ordinance as amended <br />from the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. <br />Be it further resolved that the Orange County <br />Erosion Control Officer is directed to send a copy of the orda_nanc <br />as amended to the North Carolina Sedimentation Control <br />Commission for their consideration and approval. xhe Erosion <br />Control Officex is further directed to file with the Clerk of <br />the Hoard of Commissioners a complete copy of the ordinance <br />as amended showing the effective date of the amendments after <br />apprnval from the North Carolina Sedimentation Control Commission. <br />Commissioner Norman Gustaveson moved passage of the <br />foregoing resolution and Commissioner Danald!~lillh it seconded the <br />motion. The resolution passed an first reading and the vote was <br />as follows: <br />Ayes: Commissioners Gustavesan, i~?hittecl, and ~~Tillhoit. <br />Commissioners Pinney and Walker did not vote on this resolution. <br />The Baard of Commissioners for Orange County, North <br />Carolina, met in regular session at the Commissioners Roam at <br />the County Courthouse in Hillsborough, North Carolina, the regular <br />