Orange County NC Website
772 <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ORANGE COUNTY ENERf;Y POLICY <br />WHEREAS, it is apparent that citizens of Orange County and the United States <br />are faced with energy shortages of considerable magnitude; and, <br />WHEREAS, said energy shortages have been recognized by Orange County Commissioners; <br />and, <br />!dHEREAS, Orange County has acknowledged the need to develop a policy far county <br />offices and guidelines for the citizens with respect to conservation of energy., <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Commissioners of Orange County <br />that the following steps are to be taken by all offices and employees of Orange <br />County to perserve energy: <br />1. Curtail the use of electricity and other forms of energy to a minimum <br />consistent with health and safety requirements. <br />2. Set thermostats to maintain 68 degrees in winter and a minimum of 78 degrees <br />in summer in all offices and facilities controlled by the county. Employees <br />are encouraged to dress appropriately. <br />3. Car pools of employees commuting to and from work are encouraged. <br />4. Employees are encouraged to conserve energy in accordance with suggestions <br />made by the Energy Office, and to submit additional conservation suggestions <br />to said office. <br />5. There should be no heating and cooling between temperatures of 68 degrees <br />and 78 degrees. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Orange County citizens are encouraged to <br />conserve energy as suggested above and in accordance with subsequent recommendations <br />of the Orange County Energy Office. <br /> <br />I, Mary Lou Bouley, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for Orange County, do <br />hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of so much of the proceedings of the <br />Board of Commissioners for said county at a meetingrheld the 6th day of November, 1978 <br />as relates in any way to the resolution hereinabove set forth, and that said proceedings <br />are recorded in the minute book of the minutes of said Board for said date. <br />Witness my hand and seal of said county this the 6th day of November, 1978. <br />SEAL <br />afi~s <br />Mary Lou ouley, Cler <br />