Minutes - 19781106
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19781106
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771 <br />Commissioner Gustaveson asked the Clerk to write letters to interested <br />persons and organizations requesting resumes. He said the resume forms needed <br />to reflect that providers may not serve on the council. He suggested preparing <br />a press release to News of Orange and Chapel Hill Newspaper requesting resumes <br />of persons interested in applying to council. <br />Commissioner Wi7lhoit asked the Clerk tv check on vacancies on the Library <br />Board and find out who was responsible for filling these vacancies. <br />The County Manager said the Commissioners did not appoint members to this <br />Board or to the Chapel Hill Library Board. <br />Agenda Ttem 9: Lease Office Space Orange-Durham Employment <br />and Training Office <br />Commissioner Whitted asked whether Orange-Durham Employment and Training <br />Office was the official name. <br />The County Attorney said he had contacted Mr. O<aen and would draft a <br />contract. <br />The County Manager said the employment office has a lease on a 6ui1ding <br />in Hillsborough far $500 per month commencing October 16th. Since we have not <br />been able to move into the building, the effective date should be November 1. <br />He said it was the only building available in Hillsborough large enough to <br />house the staff. He said the County Attorney has reviewed the lease and made <br />the necessary revisions. <br />Commissioner Gustaveson, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit, moved to adopt <br />the Manager's recommendation on the lease, changing the effective date to <br />November 1. Vote: ayes, 3; noes, 0. <br />The County Manager said the Board of Health had invited the Commissioners <br />to•attend their November 9th meeting. <br />Commissioner Whitted said he had received a letter from the North Carolina <br />• Association of County Commissioners encouraging the Commissioners to invite <br />members of the General Assembly to the Legislative Conference in Winton-Salem. <br />He said the deadline is November 22 so we have time to talk to them at our con- <br />ference on November 14th. <br />Commissioner Whitted said the Board needed to meet with the Advisory Board <br />on titles and how money should be allocated in CETA. Mr. Bradshaw said there <br />was a meeting at 2:00 p.m., on Tuesday, November 14th, in the Commissioners' <br />Room. Mr. Bradshaw said the Board needed to appoint new members to the Advisory <br />Council. <br />The County Manager said the structure of manpower within the Balance of <br />State is different from the local structure. He said there is one state-wide <br />council and no local council. <br />Commissioner Whitted said he thought Orange County was in agreement with <br />Durham to continue to formulate and implement our own programs. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said we are operating under the assumption decisions will be <br />made locally. He said we have received no written word from Raleigh to this <br />effect. <br />The County Manager said we were still operating locally under the assumption <br />that we will use the Advisory Council. He said he did not know the official <br />stand. <br />Mr. Bradshaw said Orange County received final notification of its Community <br />Development Grant and is now able to proceed on project in North Fairview. <br />He said he anticipated it going out for bids January 1. <br />There being no further business to come before the Boar the mee~ing <br />was adjourned. <br />Richard Whitted, 'Chai'rman <br />Mary Lou Bouley, Clerk <br />
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