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Superintendent Patrick Rhodes thanked the County Commissioners for their <br /> support because it greatly dampened the impact of the State reductions on the school <br /> system and the classrooms. He said that there is a revised version of the handout. He <br /> made reference to page 6 and the State reductions. The reductions equate to 52 <br /> positions (30 custodians, 22 office staff, and some substitute positions). He made <br /> reference to page 8, Attachment 2-d. The total State reduction was 11.9%. This <br /> attachment shows the stabilization offsets that were used. The net reduction in State <br /> funding after the Federal stabilization funds was $1.68 million, or about 4.2% reductions. <br /> He said that OCS is planning on a $1.9 million reduction in funding going forward, and <br /> this will be another year of difficult decisions. He feels confident that the classroom <br /> instruction and classroom teaching core has been protected. As a result of stabilization <br /> and reductions, OCS has 25 fewer positions in the district than it had last year at this <br /> time. This is a combination of teachers, teaching assistants, assistant principals, office <br /> professionals, etc. <br /> Superintendent Rhodes said that he appreciates the Board of County <br /> Commissioners' funding for capital projects. Funding has been received for the <br /> auditorium at Stanford Middle School. It is a freestanding facility. Qualified School <br /> Construction Bond funding was received of$1.55 million. The design is already drawn <br /> out, which will greatly cut costs. He is anticipating $1.5 million for this facility for next <br /> year through the same sources. This facility could be an excellent resource for the <br /> community theater. <br /> Regarding enrollments, there has been a spike. This is detailed in Attachment 2- <br /> c. The projection was 7,007 and the 20-day membership number is 7,097. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger pointed out that Cameron Park seems to be over <br /> capacity and other elementary schools are way under capacity. Superintendent Rhodes <br /> said that this is very possible. Overall, there is excess capacity. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he has not received any minutes from the school <br /> collaboration meeting and Chair Foushee said that she will insure that the minutes go <br /> out to all. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that he would like to talk about equity in building <br /> schools in the districts. <br /> 3. County Update on Outcome of 2008-09 fiscal year and Impacts <br /> Paul Laughton made reference to page 9, which is Attachment 3-a. This shows <br /> the revenue picture of FY 2008-09. He went through this table. The County received <br /> 97.6% of its budgeted revenue. The shortfall was about$4.4 million. He made <br /> reference to page 10, Attachment 3-b, and pointed out that there is a downward trend in <br /> non-property tax revenues. <br /> Frank Clifton made reference to the property tax revenues and said that it does <br /> not have to do with growth, but it is a reflection of the Board's tax policies. <br /> PRELIMINARY 2008-09 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES <br /> ACTUAL PCT <br /> BUDGET EXPENDITURE REMAINING USED <br /> S <br /> Governing & Management $ 9,977,081 9,351,651 625,430 93.7% <br />