Orange County NC Website
Health Care Recommendation <br /> Option 2 <br /> •No Reductions in Plan Design <br /> •Rate Increase Below Budget (2.7% Increase) <br /> •2 Major Enhancements <br /> •Requires $10 Monthly Premium for all Employees/Retirees not completing the HRA <br /> •Health Risk Appraisal completion, resulting in $0 premium <br /> •Employees/retirees share in the responsibility of the total premium and encouraged to take <br /> healthy steps by completing the HRA <br /> Communicating the 2010 Employee Benefits Plan <br /> •Communication of Approved Recommendation will Begin Immediately <br /> ❑Letters to Employees and Retirees <br /> ❑Payroll Stuffers <br /> ❑Emails <br /> ❑Online information <br /> •Wellness Fairs <br /> ❑Laptops/Assistance in Completing HRAs <br /> ❑Biometric Assessments <br /> •ERC and Department Meetings <br /> Achieving 100% HRA Completion <br /> •Wellness Fairs are scheduled October 23 in two locations; additional events will follow. <br /> •At no cost, employees can: <br /> •Receive flu shots, and have their blood pressure & cholesterol checked; <br /> •Complete the HRA. ERC, HR and other volunteers will provide assistance. <br /> •Employees/Retirees not completing the HRA by March 8 will be assessed a $10 monthly <br /> premium. Once the HRA is completed, the monthly premium will not be charged. <br /> Extra Incentives for Completing HRA <br /> •The NCACC Wellness Grant will provide major incentives for completing the HRA <br /> •Grand prize drawing for individuals completing HRA before November 30, 2009 <br /> •Drawings for smaller prizes up to March 31, 2010 <br /> •A small incentive for all who complete the HRA <br /> •The incentives, in combination with the premium, are expected to result in 100% of HRA <br /> completions <br /> 2010 Dental Recommendation <br /> •Continue Same Premiums <br /> •Administrative fee increases by $2,400/year effective January 1, 2010 <br /> •Increase in reimbursements for basic restorative services <br /> •Table of Allowance matches the Maximum Allowable Payment <br /> Other Employee Benefits <br /> No changes recommended for other benefits: <br /> •EAP <br /> •Life Insurance <br />