Orange County NC Website
The PowerPoint presentation was not made, in the interests of time. <br /> Orange Well Net: <br /> The Orange County Groundwater Observation Well Network <br /> Orange County Environment and <br /> Resource Conservation Department <br /> I. Background <br /> •Combination of regolith and bedrock wells planned for Orange Well Net. <br /> •Limited funding this FY. <br /> II. Orange County Geology <br /> •NCGS geologic mapping of Orange County is ongoing. Draft maps for four quadrangles. <br /> •Eight general types of bedrock geology are present within the recently mapped area of <br /> Orange County. <br /> II. Orange County Geology, cont. <br /> •Eight general bedrock units: <br /> •1 Altered tuff <br /> •2 Epiclastics <br /> •3 Felsic tuffs <br /> •4 Felsic lavas and tuffs <br /> •5 Mafic lavas and tuffs <br /> •6 Felsic plutonics <br /> •7 Intermediate plutonics <br /> •8 Mafic plutonics <br /> •Bedrock wells proposed for each unit. <br /> III. Existing Bedrock Wells <br /> •Saves money! <br /> •Several wells identified and under consideration for incorporation in Orange Well Net. <br /> •Draft MOAs needing action: <br /> —The Association for the Preservation of the Eno River <br /> —Duke University in Duke Forest <br /> —UNC-CH <br /> •DWQ wells in Duke Forest <br /> •Four wells owned by the county. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked when data would be received and Water Resources <br /> Coordinator Tom Davis said in the spring. The data will not be very useful statistically in the <br /> short-term. <br />