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Center. She said that Orange County Voice is a voice in the rural community and they care for <br /> the residents. She said that her SWCC has had reduced hours, but it is better than nothing <br /> where she lives in northeast Orange County. <br /> Gabriella Tal is from northeast Orange County and is also with Orange County Voice. <br /> She said that if the Bradshaw Quarry Convenience Center is closed, it will be irreversible. She <br /> asked the County Commissioners to please find a way to keep it open, and if not, then at least <br /> find a way to keep the facility intact until the Board hears more from the Solid Waste Working <br /> Group. She said that this is an important facility in their area. <br /> Kathleen Hoffman spoke on behalf of users of Bradshaw Quarry Convenience Center <br /> and also for Orange County Voice. She said that asking the Board to reconsider closing this <br /> center is an enormous request given the complexity of the budget and its multiple impacts. <br /> She believes that this initial decision was based on misinformation, and that is why they are <br /> asking the Board to reconsider. She said that the residents have tried to bring forward <br /> solutions that are beneficial to all rural residents. She said that the residents are very willing to <br /> accept a reduction in service to two or three days a week. The cost of the County keeping the <br /> center open two to three days a week is only about $25,000 this year, which is much less than <br /> the costs that will be inflicted on the residents of the community if it were closed. She asked <br /> that the County Commissioners make the following motion: "To keep Bradshaw Quarry <br /> Convenience Center open two to three days per week until the Solid Waste Work Group plan <br /> has been thoroughly evaluated and the County has a workable plan to service rural residents." <br /> She said that taking this action would show to all residents across the County that their voices <br /> count. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs re-read his motion: <br /> "Pending the discussion on rural trash collection and disposal by the Orange County <br /> Solid Waste Working Group, to be considered by the BOCC no later than December 15, 2009, <br /> no convenience center will be closed. Costs for extended service beyond the September 20th <br /> closing date for the Bradshaw Quarry facility will be addressed by appropriate monthly budget <br /> amendments." <br /> Commissioner Hemminger seconded the motion again. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said that the Manager's numbers are the third different set of <br /> costs the Board of County Commissioners has heard. He said that he wanted to make it clear <br /> that the County Commissioners are not cow-towing to one particular group that is loud and <br /> angry, but they listen to all citizens. <br /> Frank Clifton clarified that the intent is to keep this center open the same hours as <br /> other centers at this time, until a decision is made. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that adding an agenda item is not transparent and this is an <br /> exception and not the rule. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> a. Groundwater Observation Well Network <br /> The Board received an update regarding the establishment of the Groundwater <br /> Observation Well Network (Orange Well Net), considered authorizing execution of Memoranda <br /> of Agreement with three entities, and considered authorizing the Chair to sign, and receive <br /> feedback from the Board on the project. <br />