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Transportation's application for funding from both the American Recovery and reinvestment <br /> Act as well as from annual federal budgetary appropriations in order to accelerate the <br /> planning, land acquisition, and construction investments to help further the full implementation <br /> of the southeast High Speed Rail corridor; and direct the Clerk to forward the resolution to: <br /> - North Carolina's United States Senators; <br /> - United States Congress members representing the Triangle region; and <br /> - United States Congress members from North Carolina serving on the US House of <br /> Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> m. Agenda Abstract Writing Training <br /> The Board considered approving a contract with Keith Hayes Writers to develop a style <br /> guide for the writing of agenda abstracts. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she wants to be clear about the Board of County <br /> Commissioners' process. She asked Keith Hayes how the Board of County Commissioners <br /> would be involved in this process. <br /> Commissioner Nelson said that the Board of County Commissioners can decide this <br /> and the original decision was to put this on a work session. <br /> Keith Hayes said that he could have 2-3 Board members who are interested in abstract <br /> writing to join him as a subcommittee. He said that the point is to come up with a document <br /> that has Board of County Commissioners' expectations of abstracts. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to <br /> approve a contract with Keith Hayes Writers for the development of a style guide for the writing <br /> of agenda item abstracts, that Keith Hayes solicits input from all Board members about <br /> expectations of the style guide for writing agenda abstracts; that the subcommittee do its work; <br /> and that the matter come back to the full Board with the style guide and the writing of agenda <br /> abstracts for approval. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> n. Adoption of BOCC Goals and Priorities — FY2009-10 <br /> The Board considered formal adoption of BOCC Goals and Priorities for FY 2009-10. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that when this was discussed at the August 20th work <br /> session, the Board approved the six overall goals and the list of 26 priorities. She said that <br /> she had suggested to Frank Clifton that the Board adopt verbatim what the County <br /> Commissioners decided on August 201h <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier <br /> to adopt the Goals and Priorities of Fiscal Year 2009-2010, given in Attachment A and <br /> Attachment B on the revised sheets. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br /> a. CDBG Program — IDA Program <br /> The Board received public comments prior to official close-out of the County's FY 2005 <br /> Individual Development Account Program and considered authorizing execution of the <br /> Certificate of Completion by the Chair. <br /> Housing and Community Development Director Tara Fikes said that the County <br /> received $50,000 in CDBG funds for this program, with the intent of helping 20 first-time <br /> homebuyers with incomes below 80% of the area median income purchase a home. The <br /> official grant period ended on January 31, 2009. She provided a summary of the activities. <br />