Agenda - 10-20-2009 - 10a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-20-2009
Agenda - 10-20-2009 - 10a
Entry Properties
Last modified
10/20/2009 9:53:53 AM
Creation date
10/20/2009 9:53:52 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20091020
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2009
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3 <br />Excerpt from March 26, 2009 AOG minutes <br />3. Receive a uetition from Rogers' Road residents <br />Minister Robert Campbell addressed the petition submitted by Rogers' Road residents. <br />He said the community had bore the burden of all of the community's trash and had been <br />denied public services. He said each petition requesting services in the past had been <br />delayed for some reason. He said the recommendation is that all entities should <br />collaborate to find funds for the Rogers Road -Eubanks community. He said the petition <br />submitted by the residents in December 2008 included a list of available funding <br />sources. He said the residents were asking elected officials to commit to a specific date <br />when services outlined in the petition will happen. <br />Council Member Kleinschmidt said he had chaired the taskforce appointed to address the <br />Rogers Road requests for services. He said other elected officials as well as several <br />members of the community, and at large members of boards and commissions had served <br />on that taskforce for the last two years. He said they received information from Orange <br />County, OWASA, and town governments, to achieve services and a vision for the <br />community. He said the Rogers Road community was an old community that in recent <br />years had experienced urban encroachment. He said located in one part of the <br />community is the dump, and that Carrboro had annexed a great deal of one side of <br />Rogers Road. Council Member Kleinschmidt said the taskforce had charettes to <br />determine a vision of how to incorporate the pressures of growth, and what elements <br />make it a special place. He said the area was owned by the jurisdictions around the table. <br />He said on page 25 of their materials there is a chart with a summary of the joint <br />planning activities that refers the report to all entities including schools, the <br />establishment of a community work group, and a funding and phasing plan for water and <br />sewer services. He said the goal was to develop access to those services. <br />Alderman Gist said out of the group working on mitigation measures of living near the <br />dump, came the running of water lines up Rogers Road. She said the problem was not so <br />much getting the lines to the houses, but the water pressure presented problems for old <br />plumbing fixtures. She cautioned that getting water into the houses was the issue, not <br />running water lines down the road and to the houses. <br />Alderman Broun said they should constitute the work group and set a deadline for boards <br />to come up with some plan. <br />Mayor Foy called for each separate board to review the information and take some kind <br />of action. Mayor Chilton said the work group had done great work and the process for <br />moving forward. He said he was prepared to move forward. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said he and Chair Foushee and Commissioner Cary had met with <br />the community and a list of concerns had been raised at that meeting that should be <br />incorporated into this report. He said they had looked into contracting with a plumbing <br />
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