Orange County NC Website
Orange County Personnel Rules and Regulations Manual Issue Date: 10/21/09 $ <br />13. Refusal to Submit to Testing An em~loyee or applicant who in accordance <br />with these Administrative Rules and Regulations refuses to submit to, or fails <br />to supply the necessary sample to conduct an alcohol or drug test when <br />testin ig s required by these Administrative Rules and Regulations. <br />14. Revenue Service Vehicle: A vehicle used to transport passengers as part of a <br />revenue-producing service. <br />15. Return to Duty Agreement: A written agreement required as a condition of <br />continued employment for an employee who has a positive drug or alcohol <br />test result prior to return to work, if he or she is not dismissed from Orange <br />County employment. <br />16. Substance Abuse Professional: A licensed or certified physician, <br />psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional or addiction <br />counselor certified by the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug <br />Abuse Counselors Certification Commission or by the International <br />Certification Reciprocity Consortium on Alcohol and other Drug Abuse. The <br />Substance Abuse professional also must have clinical experience in the <br />diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and drug-related disorders. <br />C. Covered Employees. All employees are subject to drug and alcohol testing as <br />provided in this policy, as a condition of employment, except that employees in <br />the Sheriff s Department, covered under separate policy, and employees reporting <br />to the Register of Deeds who are covered as the Register of Deeds voluntarily <br />elects to cover them. Any employee who may have a problem with alcohol or <br />drug abuse is encouraged to seek professional assistance. The County's <br />Employee Assistance Program is available for confidential counseling, substance <br />abuse assessment and treatment referral. <br />D. Types of Drug and Alcohol Testing <br />1. Reasonable Suspicion Testing -Required when trained personnel observe <br />behavior on the job which is characteristic of alcohol or drug misuse. <br />2. Random Testing -Required on a random, unannounced basis just before, <br />during, or just after the performance of covered duties. Random selections <br />are made using a scientific, automated random sampling technique. <br />3. Pre-employment Testing -Required after an offer to hire, but prior to <br />beginning work in the covered position. Also required when an employee <br />transfers to a position involving covered duties or when an employee in a <br />covered position has been on leave for 90 days or more and returns to duty. <br />Pre-employment testing involves drug testing only. Alcohol testing is not <br />included as part of the pre-employment testing process. <br />Page 5 <br />